Chapter 33 - Test

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The group had been travelling for four days, stopping only for food and to change Xuelei's bandages. For all their training, they did not notice the shadow trailing behind them. Although they were masters at concealment and stealth, the one following them was legendary.

Xuelei had regained consciousness but remained weak. He needed time and rest for his wounded body to heal fully. He had lost a lot of blood. In the week he had been missing, he had started to heal but the process was slow. The enforced travelling was not helping. He spoke little, barely answering his brothers' questions. All he wanted was to go somewhere quiet and rest.

His head hurt and he felt an unexplained anxiousness in his heart. The uneasiness grew with every step they took towards home.

"Xuelei, eat something. You need to regain you strength."

Eating was difficult. His throat was much better but swallowing solids were still uncomfortable. Xuelei dutifully took a chunk of bread and nibbled it to appease his nagging brother.

He was aware of the worried looks and glances his brothers passed among themselves when they thought he was not looking. He knew they were worried about him but he couldn't help not answering their numerous questions. He could not. Even he was not quite sure what had happened.

Xuelei remembered Lady Ching and the fight. He remembered being run through by his own saber and left to die. Time had blurred then. He remembered the masked man. The swordsman had saved his life. Oh yeah, he hated him and was supposed to kill him ... maybe later when he was up to it.

Now he had to deal with his weak and uncooperative body. It was healing too slowly. He sighed. He hated feeling useless and weak.

Jin came over. "Hey, we will be home soon okay? Hang in there."

Xuelei gave a slight nod. He was just so exhausted.

"Xue ... I just want to apologise."

"What for?" Xuelei asked in surprise.

"For ... not being there when it mattered, when you needed me. I shouldn't have let you go off on your own like that."

"Jin, it was not your fault. It was mine."

"Still, I should have been there for you." Jin hunched down, he could not look his brother in the eye. "I should have known better. I'm so sorry." He swallowed hard. "You could have died."

"Hey, I'm okay. I promise you I will be around for a long, long time."

"I hope so, I really do." Jin blinked and looked away. "You better keep your promise, little brother."


They finally reached the teahouse and entered through the secret route. Once their mounts were taken care of, they went to report. Jin and Shen supported Xuelei between them. The sprint back home during the last leg of the journey had taken its toll on Xuelei. They had taken the risk of a speedy journey to get Xuelei back home as fast as possible for medical treatment and recuperation. Only then would he be able to rest and heal properly.

To their surprise, the Master and Mistress were already on the dais. Usually when they came in for reports after missions, they would have to wait.

A small sound escaped the Mistress's lips when she saw Xuelei's terrible condition. She recovered herself quickly. He was alive! That was all that mattered. The Master was his usual stoic self.


Li stepped forward and bowed. He gave a summary of the events leading to the discovery of Xuelei. He finished off by confirming they had found no traces of anyone. The person who had helped Xuelei had not wanted to be seen.

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