Chapter 35 - Ghost

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Xuelei bowed respectfully to the woman sitting at the low table, his long black hair falling over his shoulders at his movement. He had harnessed his inner strength to maintain a normal façade and a neutral expression, but he was already sweating with the effort.

She studied him, taking her time. He was pale and as controlled as ever. His slightly stiff posture told her all she needed to know. He was in pain but had still come at her bidding. She smirked inwardly, satisfied. He was still hers, her brother had been wrong to say that she would lose him, her beautiful obedient Xuelei.

"How are you feeling?"

He looked at her startled. He had not expected her to ask about his well-being. His dark brown eyes searched her for a moment before he replied.

"I am better Mistress. Thank you."

"I care about you, Xuelei. You know that don't you?"

He nodded acknowledgement. She did not invite him to sit so he remained standing.

"Tell me about the person or persons who helped you."

Oh. She wanted him to continue his report. She had not forgotten about the mysterious person who had saved him.

"It was one person, a man."

"Describe him."

Xuelei was surprised. The Mistress's voice had risen an octave when she mentioned the man. Her voice betrayed her. She was afraid.

"I did not see his face. He concealed his face from me the whole time. He is slightly taller than me, broader, better built. He is a trained fighter."

She blinked. "How do you know this?"

"He moves like one, precise and without waste."

She caught his gaze, "Just like you."

He stopped, "Me?"

She ignored his question, instead asking another one of her own.

"Do you like him?"

Xuelei cocked his head. "I do not understand, Mistress."

"I mean do you like him as a person, as a friend or perhaps a mentor?" Her question hung in the air, almost accusingly.

"I am not allowed to have friends, they may be used against me," he intoned the ingrained teachings. It was a dangerous question, a trap.

Her eyes narrowed. He was avoiding the question. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, her fingers started drumming rhythmically on the wooden table. He got the hint and continued.

"He took care of me and fed me until I was better. That is all."

An odd expression crossed her face, her fingers stopped in mid-air. "Did he say who he was? Did you talk ... about anything?"

"He spoke of the jade. He said it was a gift from loving parents to their only child, a son. It is not a key to Master Zhen's treasures as believed by Lady Ching."

The Mistress tensed. "What else?"

"He asked about me."


"I told him I am an orphan. That you saved me from a fire that killed my parents."

She waited from him to continue. At last he did.

"He said I am the lost son of Zhen Shuren." His voice was low as he imparted the information reluctantly.

She sucked in her breath sharply, then let it out slowly. She looked directly into Xuelei's eyes assessing him. She took her time before she asked her next question.

"Do you believe him?"

"I don't know."

"You may go now."

Huh? Just like that? Heavy silence filled the air. Xuelei did not move. He had a million questions of his own.



"Do you know him? Is it true what he said?"

There was so much uncertainty and hope in his eyes. His face was already transforming, beaming expectantly, radiantly at her. Hope! What an outrage. Jealousy rose it's ugly head in her chest. It would be so easy to crush his pathetic hopes. She would kill it off with just one word. She would never willingly give him up, she would never lose him. Never!

"No, Xuelei. I do not know him. Do not believe everyone you meet. There are many liars out there who will not hesitate to use you. You are not Zhen Shuren's son."

"But ..." his face fell at her words.

"I said you are not his son. I am the only one in this world that even remotely cares for you. You owe me your life. I saved you! Your very existence belongs to me. Only I can love someone like you, no one else can. Remember that."

"But Mistress ... I ..."

"Without me, you are nothing. Dismissed." She noticed him frowning, dark brows knitting together gathering his courage to speak up. His shoulders squared as he spoke.

"Mistress, please ... who is he? You know him."


Xuelei thought of the man. The Mistress knew him. Her actions and fear confirmed it. Xuelei dropped onto his knees and looked at her beseechingly. He needed to know the truth.

"Mistress, please, tell me. He knows Zhen Shuren. He said ..."

"Silence!" She practically screamed at him. She jumped up and smacked him hard across his face. She stared at him a full minute before turning her back to him.

He was shocked but remained on his knees, his face stinging from her sharp slap. He waited praying, please say something, tell me ... but in the next instant his hopes were dashed again.

"Go, and do not speak of this again."

He looked rebellious for a second before getting up, bowing and leaving the room, closing the doors behind him. In the end, his years of ingrained training won over his need for answers.

The Mistress sighed, that was close. They were all growing up. He was growing up. Soon she may not be able to control him with just words. She looked about the empty room.

"Is it really you? Are you back to haunt me, Shuren?"

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