The Spawns | Chapter XXVI -- The Two of Us

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The Two of Us

Chapter XXVI—Cole

© DarknessAndLight

One of the funniest things I found in life was when Jayden Eaton was pissed off, and right now, it was pretty darn hilarious.

Pick-Up-Line Night was going as well as Pick-Up-Line Night could be going. A little too well actually. Absolutely nobody had gotten turned down, that's how sad it was. As a matter of fact, Maika was now surrounded by four guys trying to win her over. Hence, a Jayden sitting at a booth, sulking and glaring.

The devil's spawn, also known as my cousin was nowhere to be seen. I figured she was committing a crime somewhere. If she could get caught it would make my fugging year to call my mum to tell her she had to bail out the delinquent. Anyway, now Jayden had no one to throw more misguided sexual tension towards so that was why he was glaring at one of his best friends.

I wasn't sure if I should say something or let him figure this out for himself. Ever since Maika and I had our little conversation I couldn't help notice so many little details about her relationship with Jay. I really had no idea how Blake Eaton's son could be this fugging clueless. His dad could smell when we'd switch the kind of spray paint we'd use for our graffiti.

Maybe it was a good thing Beth and I weren't going to happen any time soon. I wouldn't want him as my father-in-law.

I stopped thinking about Beth because that was just somewhere I did not want to go.

Instead I focused on our two other friends.

Clyde and Frank had a lot of fun trying pick up lines but now they were trying something they called their Olsen Switcehroo trick, which consisted for one of them to start speaking to a girl, then after a little while, switch with the other without the girl realising it and doing this over and over again until they got caught.

This was the twelfth time they were switching. I was counting. I didn't have much else to do besides making fun of Jayden sulking.

Just before I could make a comment to piss Jayden off a little bit more a girl walked up to our table. I remembered this girl from earlier. She had laughed when I had asked her if she worked at UPS because I could have sworn she checked out my package.

She stopped right in front of me from across the table and smiled at me nervously. Jayden kept shoving me with his elbow and kicking me under the table probably thinking what the hell dude. "Hey, huh, we talked earlier. I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to come with me to this other bar. It's like right beside my apartment. It's pretty nice."

Fuuuuuuug. I didn't want to be a prick and I was sure the girl was nice enough. The thing was, all my life I'd live with this whole misconception that the only love worth pursuing was the one that hit you in the face like a shovel. Trying out a pick up line on her earlier hadn't come anywhere near feeling like I had a concussion. And maybe I could talk with her and I could develop feelings and that was the way most relationships worked out. Feelings developed. Love at first sight was fickle. But too many things in life were insignificant and common. I just didn't feel like love should be one of them. Love should be wild and crazy and extraordinary and magical, and it just wasn't there with this particular girl.

I was going to die alone.

I had to let her down. If I hadn't been drinking a little too much, I probably wouldn't have said what followed... who was I kidding, no alcohol was needed here. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to lead you on." I tried to look as sad and apologetic as I could. "I just wanted to try anything to stop all this sexual tension I have with my best friend." I grabbed Jayden by the neck for emphasis.

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