The Spawns | Chapter XXX -- A Nice Canvas for You

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A Nice Canvas for You

Chapter XXX—Lilibeth

© DarknessAndLight

I was trying to knit and falling miserably at it. Nikki had tried showing it to me very slowly. She also stood in front of me, practically grabbing my hands to guide them. She showed me videos and knitting books. Nothing worked. "I don't understand why I can't do it. I play violin and the piano. My fingers are dexterous. But this, this is just impossible," I admitted in a huff, blowing at my bangs.

Nikki had been adamant about finding me a hobby. She thought I could be a knitter like her. Obviously, that was never going to happen.

"You know what you should actually do," she suddenly said. "You could start making jewellery, maybe something like that bracelet of yours that Cole did for you. You should learn how to do that. You should call Cole and ask him to show you how to do it. Go on. Call him. Call. Him."

I smiled at her, a tight lips satisfied smile. "Nope."

My cousin didn't look impressed. She looked annoyed. "I've always wondered. Who do you think is more stubborn? The Eatons or the Graysons?" my cousin pondered.

My answer was instantaneous. "The Eatons. One hundred percent. Graysons are unobservant and easily distracted. Eatons remember, forever."

Nikki shook her head, disagreeing. "That's just a myth though, that whole unobservant Grayson thing. We do it so people let down their guards. We've totally noticed absolutely everything we see happening around us. We just don't find them pertinent enough to give them any attention."

I chuckled. "So, Graysons are snobs?"

Nikki poked my arm lightly with one of the knitting needles. "I think it's really funny the way you talk about Graysons like you aren't one. You might not have the name but you're fifty fifty darling."

I smiled at that remark, and then tried to work on my knitting again. I was seeing no chances of improvement in the foreseeable future.

I sighed heavily, pushing the disastrous work of yarn away from me. "This isn't working..."

"Hey, it's no problem," Nikki assured me, putting down her own work. While I had barely done two rows filled with missing stitches for a scarf on my own knitting project, my cousin was well halfway through hers. Sure, her work wasn't perfect either, but at least she looked like she knew what she was doing. "We're just trying it stuff here, and see what works. You need to find things that make you happy. There's bound to be a lot of trials and errors."

"I do have dancing and playing the violin you know. And piano too, but I prefer my violin."

"Sure, but those are like, grand thing. I want you to find pleasure in small menial things. I want day to day joys for you."

I thought about it, about small menial thing making me happy. Reading might be one, but I didn't think this was what Nikki would have hoped for an answer.

"What about art? Like drawing and stuff. I know you guys are pretty artsy in your family. You go do that graffiti vandalism all together right?" my cousin asked.

"Yes. We work better as a team," I explained.

She frowned. "Who says that?"

I frowned too, confused. "What?"

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