The Spawns | Chapter XLV -- That Torres Boy

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That Torres Boy

Chapter XLV—Lilibeth

I hadn't even taken ten steps outside when I heard the door close behind me. I knew Cole was following me without even having to look back.

"Where you going Eaton?" Cole asked teasingly behind me.

I turned my head and stuck my tongue out at him before replying, "none of your business, Torres." He jogged my way, easily catching up with me, shoving my shoulder playfully with his own. "So, Maika and Jay got together?"

Cole nodded, his steps matching mine. "That's the news."

I asked the obvious question, because I knew him well enough. He'd never liked change and Maika and Jayden had always been constant in his life. "Are you freaking out?"

He made a face. "Maybe just a little." Cole stopped walking, frowning a little at me but with an amused smile, head tilted a little.

I couldn't help smiling back. "What?"

"You need to stop reading me like an open book, it's unsettling."

I grinned at him. "Sorry, can't help it."

We'd reached the big tree at the back of the house at that point, and Cole, grabbed on to a high branch and in a second he was sitting high up. Grinning down at me he offered his hand and pulled me up.

I sat beside him, my legs swinging in the empty space under us.

It was quiet for a second, aside from the cicadas announcing another warm day.

"Thank you for today. Thanks for driving me home and for helping me with my dancing."

"Anytime Kitten." Cole smiled at me. "So, was walking out your complex master plan to get out of doing the dishes?"

"No, it was just getting a little loud in there."

He smiled at me gently. I didn't have to explain this to him, I didn't have to make excuses. He just got it. He just got me. He couldn't have been just an insanely good looking boy, he always had to be able to read my heart like it was his favourite poem too.

The sun was setting now and there were just enough clouds to set the sky up on fire.

Cole took a gentle breath, his knee softly touching mine. "So, what happens now?"

I kiss you again.

Instead, I let my cheek catch on fire too, but answered with something a little bit more serious. "I want to keep dancing, keep playing the violin and I want to get into a good university and study abroad. I want to hang out with Nikki more. I want to be okay with being moody sometimes. I want to get to know myself."

"All very good things."

"And I want you to be happy too."

"I'm happy."

"No, I mean, like really happy."

Cole laughed. "I am really happy."

I pouted a little. "Yeah, I guess you're always kind of happy."

"So, you have it all figured out now?" Cole asked, going back to his first question.

"I don't know. I mean, it's a little sad to have your whole life planned out, don't you think? I know it doesn't feel like a good future for me. I want surprises. I want an exciting life. I don't want to wait for thing to happen to start living. I want to live right now. I don't know how to say this properly. I have plans, but I also don't want plans."

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