The Spawns | Chapter XLI -- A Milestone to Something Better

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A Milestone to Something Better

Chapter XLI—Cole

© DarknessAndLight

So far, if I had to give someone a summary of how my summer vacations were going, the recurring theme would be car ride.

Last night Beth had called me, asking me to come pick her up. And of course being the love sick idiot that I was I said yes without any hesitation.

I woke up super early and drove for more than an hour to get to her cousin's house.

So here I was standing on the porch looking at Beth hugging Nikki like they were the best of friends. I didn't remember them ever being this close. Nikki was just always so out of the loop. Also, I hadn't forgotten about that whole thinking-I-was-gay thing.

I kept my comments to myself though. If Beth had suddenly warmed up to Nikki, there must have been a good reason. Anyone that made Beth smile like that was more than good in my book.

Finally, when she was done with her goodbyes, she sat in my car, closing the door behind her.

It was just the two of us now.

"Did you have a nice time with Nikki?" I asked her as I started to drive away.

Beth grinned at that. "I really did. I think I've been too harsh on her before. I guess I kind of judge her too quickly. It was really fun spending time with her.

I smiled back. "I'm glad you had a nice time."

"How about you? Did you like your road trip?"

"Honestly?" I sighed, "Not really."

That trip had been a means to escape in the beginning, to change my mind from her rejection, but in the end I'd worked out my issues by just speaking with her. The road trip had been kind of useless to me.

"Is that why you didn't bring Jayden along? You've been too annoyed with him?" Beth teased.

"Nah, he was kind of busy," I replied, thinking that the next time I would see my best friends they would have probably both popped their cherries. Those treacherous bastards.

"Pinning over your cousin?" she finished for me

That's right, she didn't know. "Oh no actually, Dakota left." How was I supposed to explain what had happened? I shouldn't be the one telling Beth that Jay and Maika were dating. I was pretty sure Jayden would want to do that on his own.

Beth was frowning beside me now. "She left? How did that happen?"

Well it all started out when she kissed Jayden. Now I couldn't exactly say that. "I called her brother. I just realized that running away from your problems doesn't solve anything, and that her running away wasn't going to help bring her family back together," I said softly.

Beth stared at her lap at that comment. It wasn't meant at her. It was more meant at me. I guess we were just so similar in that way. We dealt with our problems by running away form them and ignoring them.

"Sorry again. I really could have handled things a little better," she told me, a little sheepishly. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to hold the hands she was staring at telling her she had no need to apologize for anything.

She had already apologized. We'd talked it over the phone already not too long ago, but it was so different being together like this. This felt more real. I couldn't see her smiles over the phone, or any slight changes in her expression. I didn't get to see her fidget or sigh softly. I didn't get the whole picture over the phone.

"You really don't need to apologize Beth. It's okay, it was my fault too." I wanted it too much. I wanted her too much.

"I guess I'm just not good at... this."

I frowned a little. "This?"

"You know," she shrugged, her eyes still down, "my feelings and my future and where you would fit in all of it."

I chuckled softly. "Ah, this."

I longed for a time where we wouldn't need to struggle so much over our feelings for each other.

"And part of me want to say that I wish I was older," Beth started to say, "I wish time could pass quicker and I would have more things figured out. But at the same time I don't want to treat these years like they're just a milestone to something better, like I don't need them, like they don't matter. I don't want to spend my time thinking about my future life, I want to live my life."

"It's a good way to think Kitten."

"Thank you Cole," she said, smiling at her lap. "For picking me up, for always being there."

I looked at her, trying to cross her gaze. "Whatever happens or doesn't happen between us, I'll always be there for you if you need me, Lilibeth."

"Thank you, that means a lot..." She looked up and smiled at me. My heart skipped a beat. "And I guess I want to be there for you too. Whatever happens, or doesn't happen, I don't think it's fair that you always give to people and never receive anything in return." And just to emphasis that she pressed her hand on my arm and I felt like I was melting under her touch.

How easily could she have me undone.

There was no agenda behind that touch, no need for me to do anything but just revel in the warmth of her palm and the softness of her skin

Sitting there beside her like this, it was so easy to picture things just a little differently. To imagine that we were a few years in the future, both adults and out driving somewhere nice, just the two of us together. We'd have a life together in this scenario.

Just as I was thinking that I kind of felt bad. I shouldn't be sitting here beside Lilibeth hoping for something more. I should be grateful for what I already had.

Maybe I wouldn't be able to have with Beth what Jay had with Mai, at least for now, but that was fine. I didn't want their relationship. I wanted my own with Beth.

As we were nearing our town and I could see our time together coming to an end soon, I asked, "Straight home or did you need to go somewhere first?" hoping that she would want to prolong our time together too.

"Well as a matter of fact..."

I held my breath waiting for her to say more. I didn't care about anything else. All I knew was that I did not want to let her go.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry the uploading slowed down in the last two weeks. I've worked more than I thought I was going to. :S Hopefully I can get back on track with my uploads. Next story that will get a new chapter is The Virgin and the Whore on Thursday! :D

As ever, thanks for your patience and support. It means the world to me. :D See you soon-ish. :P

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