The Spawns | Epilogue -- Dusk Was Smiling Down

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To all you angry little bees, who suddenly forgot the stunt I pulled so many years ago, I find myself in the position to repeat... Read this till the end. Talk with you guys in the author note at the end. ;P



Dusk Was Smiling Down


© DarknessAndLight

I fidgeted with the collar of my button up shirt.

It was safe to say that the last place I wanted to be right now was at this funeral.

Most of the gathering was taking place outside and it was where most people were hanging around right now, but the heat of the summer just made wearing this suit unbearable.

I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be at this stupid funeral.

I was seeing mostly my parents' friends right now, all familiar faces. Before I could ignore everyone and go hide inside in front of the AC, my aunt Catherine caught me.

"How you holding up?" she asked hand on my shoulder, sad expression on her face.

"I'm absolutely fine," I automatically answered.

"It's okay to cry. It's okay to be sad."

I frowned. "I'm... fine."

She nodded, like she didn't believe me. "Alright."

Next person to catch me was my father. There was no way I could ignore him.

With his blotchy eyes, he went straight to hug me and wouldn't let me go. "Oh god. Why did God have to take her away from us, right in her prime?"

I managed the entangle myself from my father's death grip. "Dad, seriously, she was like a freaking hundred years old. The true miracle was for her to not have died ten years ago. You realize that she was basically on life support. Some humans don't have as good of medical treatments as she did."

He rubbed a hand on his eyes. "Miss Puss was the light of my life. How are you gonna feel when that grey dust ball of yours dies?"

I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't be making fun of him, this was a big deal for him. But I couldn't help it. It wasn't like it was a surprise. "One thing's for sure, I don't plan on paying the value of a house on vet bills, that I can assure you."

"How can you put a price on life?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "I pity my mother for being in love with a man that always loved a cat more than her."

"My love for Miss Puss was always pure."

"Unlike your love for my Mum that's absolutely inappropriate?" I asked, a little incredulous.

"I'm not seeing a lot of comforting right now."

"Dad, your cat was almost thirty years old. It was a true medical miracle that she lasted that long. She was probably already rotting from the inside."

"You're a bad son."

I rolled my eyes. I loved my Dad, but I had enough of him for now. "Whatever. My deepest condolences," I told him and left him to go cry in someone else's arms.

My Mum was leaning against a tree, enjoying its shade a few feet away, so I went to see her.

"Hey Mum..."

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