The Spawns | Chapter XXVIII -- Not With You

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Not With You

Chapter XXVIII—Jayden

© DarknessAndLight

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled after Dakota, running to catch up with her.

Catch up, not ketchup.

Ha ha.

Alright, I was a little tipsy. Oops.

And this wasn't funny. I wasn't supposed to be amused. This was serious. I had my friend's honour to defend and scowling and running yes, I was supposed to be running, I wasn't running anymore... woah okay yeah, red-headed she-devil was walking faaaaaaast.

Ha ha.

Wait. Not funny.

"Dakota! Wait. Dakota, wait up!" I called out and tried to run again.

When I finally caught up with her, I couldn't see my friends anymore.

"Would you slow down? This isn't a marathon and we need to talk," I told Dakota who was clearly trying to snob me.

"And why exactly do we need to talk?" she asked, completely emotionlessly.

"Because of what happened back there. Because of what you did."

"What did I do exactly? I just stated facts." Still all business.

I scoffed. "Seriously? You're playing the dumb card here? I'm the one everyone calls the unobservant one, darling. You ain't stealing that card from me."

"What?" She shrugged and kept walking fast. Where the hell was she even supposed to be going? "It's true. I don't see what all the fuss is about."

"Oh you know exactly why. How long had you been waiting to tell her that stuff?" I asked. She had been way too satisfy with herself when she had said those things about Maika's mom. "Did you just come up with it one night staring at your ceiling, going over every conversations you ever had with her? You thought how can I hurt her with the least words?"

Dakota snorted. "Please. I'm not obsessed with her. You are. All of you are. You're like fly sticking to shit around her. You and Cole and even your two twin friends, you're all pathetic!"

At that moment, even if I was still tipsy and often not that big on social cues, I could totally see it. Totes. "Are you..." I narrowed my eyes a bit, "are you jealous of Maika?" I asked Dakota.

She kind of scoffed and snorted at the same time. It was riiiidiculous. "Why would I be jealous of that reject?"

I made a face. "Because let's be honest here. Everybody loves her. Not everybody loves you."

"Nobody loves me, that's what you mean to say."

"Not with that attitude," I answered, "Jesus, did you just hear what you told Mai? How do you suppose you would have reacted if the roles were switched? It's a bloody miracle that she didn't karate chop your head off. She could probably pull it off you know."

"That!" She stopped walking and pointed at me. "That right there. Oh Miss-So-Perfect can do anything sooo perfect we all wanna bang her," she said, in a mocking voice.

"Wow." I nodded a little looking at her incredulously. I had totally nailed it. "Okay, so she gets all the male attention and suddenly you need to go on a let's-shit-all-over-Maika mission? That's pathetic you know."

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