The Spawns | Chapter XXXVIII -- Spray Them With Holy Water

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Spray Them With Holy Water

Chapter XXXVIII—Cole

© DarknessAndLight

I drove off from Jayden's house thinking that maybe I should turn around and go sit between Jay and Mai and spray them with holy water anytime they tried making out.

But I guess it was kind of useless. If my bestfriends wanted to have sex, they would have sex. There was nothing I could do against it. And there was nothing wrong with it, ultimately. It was just... I don't know... not unfair... But like they knew the secret recipe to KFC's fried chicken and I didn't. I could go on with my life really well without knowing the recipe, but the fact that my two bestfriends knew it and not me would make me feel out of the loop. I don't know, it kind of made sense in my head.

"So, those two are having sex now?" Dakota suddenly said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Ugh. "No they're not," I automatically answer.

"But they will."

My hands tightened around the steering wheel. She'd been silent during the whole car ride, why did she need to speak to me now? "It's a safe bet to say that they will at one point in their lives have sex."

"With each other."

"With other people. With their own hands. Who am I to make assumptions?"

She rolled her eyes and stared out the window. "Whatever."

I stared at the road in front of me. "Yeah, whatever."

I was fed up. I had enough human interactions. I wanted to be left alone with my cat. I didn't want to have to deal with humans anymore.

When I could finally see my parent's place, there was a discernable car that shouldn't have been there.

I hoped to god it was someone here to pick up Dakota. By the way she suddenly seemed to wiggle in her seat made me think that it was.

I parked the car and then we grabbed our stuff from the trunk and headed inside.

When we walked in Kingston was sitting on the couch, with my parents standing around. Yuck. Maybe his pants were pregnant now.

"Hey fucktard," Dakota greeted him. How lovely.

He just smiled at her. Obviously he was used to it. "Hello sister dearest."

"Here to take me to military booth camp?"

"Something like that," he answered.

She nodded, almost reluctantly. "Let me go grab my stuff," she said and headed for her room.

Mum and Dad weren't saying anything. It was kind of strange.

I went up to the more pleasant cousin. "Thanks for coming through, and sorry if I was a bit of a dick on the phone."

Kingston shrugged. "It's fine, you were right. Problems don't just go away if we ignore them."

Dakota came back just then, with her bags swung over her shoulders. "Well, thanks for nothing everyone."

"Wow." What a shitty person. She wasn't even slightly trying.

"I hope you have a nice summer," Mum said, ignoring the rude comment.

"Yeaaah," Dakota just drawled as an answer, waved and walked out.

Dad let out a whistle, like a phew glad that nutjob is out of the way kind of whistle.

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