The Spawns | Chapter XXXIX -- Together in Berlin

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Together in Berlin

Chapter XXXIX—Lilibeth

© DarknessAndLight

"I think the Conservatoire of Paris is your best option. And don't your grandparents have like an apartment there?"

"I don't know, I've been to Paris, and I speak a bit of French so maybe I want something that'll take me even more out of my comfort zone. The music schools in London sound good too."

"But London's in English. And you've been to England many times already," Nikki pointed out, and she was right, "The University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna?"

"I don't think there's any dancing."

"But maybe you'll need to settle between dancing and music."

Nikki and I were sitting on her bed, looking at universities that offered dancing and music programs in Europe. When I had mentioned that I wanted to move out for college and that I wanted an art school, Nikki had automatically said Juilliard School in New York, but that wasn't far away enough for me. I wanted to be completely taken out of my comfort zone. I wanted to travel for away. I didn't want to just be a very long car ride away from home.

"Maybe, but I'd like to keep both options open," I told my cousin.

I loved dancing and I loved playing the violin and the piano. I knew it was probably wiser to settle on just one thing, but for now, I didn't want to choose.

"Berlin's University of the Arts? Vivienne Westwood taught there. That's kinda cool. Maybe I should go study there..." Nikki trailed.

I grinned at that remark. "Together in Berlin, that'd be totally awesome."

Nikki shared a grin just as bright as mine. "Right?"

"If you really want to do this though, it's going to be hard," my cousin pointed out. She was right. I knew this. I would have to be better than just good. I would have to be extraordinary if I really wanted a shot at this. And I really wanted a shot at this. "Let's make a list of all the potential places and then look at what you'll need to do to get in," she added, probably seeing the calculation and plotting behind my eyes.

So we took out an empty notebook that Nikki had in her reserve because she horded notebooks. And we put one university per page, with its pros and cons and with the information about registering and everything useful we could find.

I was getting giddy just thinking about it.

"I can already see our future. We'll be two cosmopolitan stylish women, I'll wear hats all the time and fake glasses. You'll be wearing tutus everywhere you go," Nikki said.

I chuckled. "But of course."

"Before we even know it, we'll find ourselves sexy European men to date and you'll forget all about Cole."

I laughed at her comments. I doubted that would happen. Anyway, it wasn't about forgetting Cole. It was about finding myself. I didn't think I could do that at home. After just a few days with Nikki, I had already such a better grasps of who and what I wanted. As much as I loved my family, being away from them was good for me.

"If we go to Berlin, we'll be of legal drinking age by then so we'll be able to go to Oktoberfest."

I frowned. "Oktoberfest? Really? Have you ever even drunk beer?"

Nikki grinned. "No, but it sounds epiiiiic."

I laughed again. "Drinking beer or the Oktoberfest?"

"Both," she said, her noise wrinkling a little with amusement, "There are just so may things to look forward to. I can't wait to get myself a boyfriend," she added dreamingly.

"What about Mr Mason?" I asked, teasingly.

She had that faraway dreaming look again, her hand pressed against her chest. "My sweet Mr Mason... He's like forty now. That's such a dreadful realization. He probably has a wife and nine kids. I know if I was married to him I'd be popping out his babies every chance I could get."

I burst into laughter. "You're hilarious."

"A hundred percent serious. A hundred percent."

Uncle Tyler decided to pop his head in Nikki's room at that point.

"What are you girls plotting in here?" he asked.

"Just school stuff," Nikki automatically answered.

"Don't take me for a fool, I know school is out for the summer."

She rolled her eyes at her father. "Future school stuff, we're looking at colleges."

"Nerds," he said teasingly and we both laughed. "Don't forget girls—"

"We knoooooow, you're watching like a hawk," Niiki finished for him, rolling her eyes again.

"And don't you forget it Nikki Grayson," he said sternly. "Dinner's ready."

We headed out to the dinning room, and during the whole evening we kept glancing at each other like we were plotting something extraordinary, sharing secret smiles.

It was an amazing feeling.

When we finally got into bed that night, after my cousin closed the lights I said, "Wouldn't it be amazing if I actually got in one of those school?"

She shoved me with her elbow. "What kind of negative thinking is that? You should be saying, won't it be amazing when I'll be accepted at all of these schools and I'll be ale to pick my favourite."

"More like, wouldn't it be cool if I had my cousin's positive outlook on life."

"Hey, what's the point in being negative? It doesn't make anything better. Let's be positive all the time. Sending out good vibes is bound to have positive repercussions in the long run."

I closed my eyes, willing this to be true. "I'm going to really need to start taking my music and dancing seriously."


"I'll have to be super diligent."


"I would probably be better if I wasn't skipping dance classes too."

"Yep." I could feel my cousin's gaze on me in the dark. "You want to go back home?"

"I probably should," I admitted, though I didn't really want to leave my cousin.

"We can look for a bus tomorrow," she said.

I smiled a little. "I might have another idea..." I trailed and grabbed my phone, before hitting one of its speed dials. After a couple of rings, I got a groggy answer. "Cole?"


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it came a little late. I was having technical difficulties with my computer. 0_0 Hopefully it doesn't suddenly die on me. *knocks on wood, fingers crossed* 

I'll be annoying again and say that if you want to make me really reaaaally happy, go read my new story The Holt Conundrum. It's adorable, I swear! ;P And actually, there's one character from the "I Sold.." world that makes a very brief appearance in it. He's just mentioned, but he's totally there. 

Also, this chapter title... it's important. I have plans. mouhahaha.

Alright, I shall leave you alone. Until next time. (very soon. :D)

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