The Spawns | Chapter XLIV -- A Major Eaton Kink

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A Major Eaton Kink

Chapter XLIV—Cole



"Anything you want to share with the class?" I asked my friend teasingly.

Maika and I were sitting by the pool, our feet in the water.

"My hymen remains mostly intact," Maika told me with a grin.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Mostly?"

She sighed, letting herself fall, lying on her back, her arms spread, her feet still in the water. "Totally intact alright. Jayden is a prude."

"Aw, I'm so proud of my two horny teenagers," I crooned at her pinching her cheeks.

She swatted my hand away.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked, looking at the two Eatons chatting together.

"Swapping stories about what it's like hooking up with you. You have a major Eaton kink," Maika automatically answered.

I kicked her feet under the water. "Shut it. If anyone is kinky between us, it's you. You're the one straddling an Eaton every time I walk in the fugging room."

"Please, I'm certain you've straddled Jayden many, many times too. And if you wanna do it again, I really have no problems with it, as long as I can watch," she said, and winked at me.

I flicked her forehead, rolling my eyes at her. I still felt happy for my best friends, but kind of annoyed with them at the same time. I would have to get used to our new dynamic.

But I was still flying on the high of spending time with Beth and dancing around with her. If I closed my eyes for a second, I could still feel her hand in mine.

"How long do you think Jayden will be able to resist your womanly wiles? One hour? Two hours?" I asked my friend teasingly.

"I think if I keep waiting for him naked, he'll cave in quickly."





I shook my head at her, laughed a little. Poor prude Jayden. He was in for a wild ride with her.

"How long do you think Lil will be able to resist your womanly wiles?" Maika asked me.

I sighed, looking up at the sky. I narrowed my eyes, covering them with my hand, blinded by the summer sun. "Forever. I'm the only one suffering here"

"Gosh, you're such a drama queen."

I looked down at her with a grin. "Thanks, I'm actively working on it."

Beth and Jay were done with their little secret conversation and joined us at this point.

"Did you guys have a nice chat?" Maika asked them, sitting up properly. Jayden sat beside her, but like way too close.

"We did sister-in-law," Beth answered, with a smug little smile. It made me smile too. Too cute to be true.

Maika made a face, while Jay looked a little sheepish. "Oh, so the big reveal."

"She wasn't that surprised," Jay admitted.

"It was kind of obvious," his little sister added.

"Yeah, we're not exactly subtle, I guess. You had to be Jayden's level of unobservantness to not see it," Mai agreed.

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