Chapter 2

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Shuffling sounds approach my door as the clock ticks past 7:34, sighing deeply I begin to rise from my desk and slowly head towards my door. Seconds after I reach it a heavy knock is places on the other side, causing me to jump slightly.

One... Two... Three...

I reach for the doorknob and turn it, my heart picking up its pace ever so slightly. Pulling the door towards me and allowing a familiar sent to invade my nostrils. Glancing up at the deep brown eyes staring at me.

In front of me stood my father. A lanky man with broad shoulders, threatening my petite frame. His luxuriant wavy copper hair sits above his shoulders, framing his perfectly sculptured face. Bold bushy eyebrows stand out against a similar skin tone, along with layers of eyelashes. Cowering from the way he studies me, I direct my eyes towards my feet and begin to fiddle with my thumbs

"Good morning Isabel. You know what to do."

A deep threatening voice spoke, my head automatically nodded and my feet guided themselves through the house. Passing my mother who stumbled out of her room, eyelids drooping from still being tired even though she has slept for at least 9 hours.

Eventually I find myself in the kitchen; starting my usual routine. Cranking up the grill and grasping the bacon from the fridge, I've decided to make it basic today. Carefully I place the tray full of bacon into the grill, avoiding getting burnt this time (an ugly scar I earned for my carelessness) then I grab the bread and begin to butter each slice, leaving only mine plain – I hate butter. Mother enters the kitchen, sucking up the scent of bacon as she walks towards the small table located in the centre of the room. Not long after father enters mirroring her actions. Luckily by now bacon is cooked and I am placing them evenly in each sandwich. As soon as I place their plates in front of them they begin to stuff their faces like the pigs they are. I quickly grab my plate and slip out of the room.

An hour later I am stood once again in front of a mirror, this time the mirror is long and narrow so I can see my whole body. After adding the finishing touches to my assignment, I stumbled to my wardrobe. The outfit I pulled out a pair of dark navy jeans and a basic and baggy grey long sleeved top, a pale peach scarf snakes loosely around my neck, my favourite white simple slip-on vans protect my feet from the outside world. I grab my bag and fill it with books needed for today's lessons as well as the rushed assignment which was waiting on my desk. Draping the bag across my shoulder I exit my room and saunter through my house. Reaching the front door, I hear my mother call out for me, telling me to clean up after them, I ignore her request and leave the house.

College here I come.

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