Chapter 3

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With a slight spring in my step I enter college, guiding my body towards our spot. Olivia stood right in the center of multiple girls of boys, of course, I joined the crowed trying to catch her eye.

Olivia is my best friend.

I don't make friends easily but with Olivia it was different. When I first saw her my eyes were drawn to her flaming long locks that fall below her hips. Though she may have joined later than us she was an instant hit. I was surprised she noticed me, all I did was watch from a distance – like I always do – yet she noticed me. Accompanying her luscious locks are two striking eyes, one a captivating blue the other a heart-stopping olive, a small button nose and plump pink lips; all placed evenly across her perfect diamond face.

Eventually Olivia's eyes latched onto mine, something deep within them drew me in, and without thinking my feet forced me forward, closer, and closer. Until I was stood less than a metre away. Instantly she gripped onto my arm, entwining hers with mine, and lead me away from the group. Sighing a breath of relief as the distance grew between us and them.

Olivia wouldn't shut up the whole way to class, though I barely paid attention, catching one or two words every now and then. Something about a cute boy at a party. I've never been to a party – I've never had the chance to be a teenager – I have never been allowed. After what seems to be an eternity we finally arrived at class; pressing pause on Olivia's story time. We make our way to the back of the class where our seats are practically screaming our names, settling down and preparing for an hour of verbal torture.


The final minute droned on, the seconds seeming to take their time as they crawl around the clock. I huff in annoyance when finally, a heavenly sound sings from the skies. Quickly we grab our books and rush out of the door, almost sprinting towards the cafeteria. Let's just say food is like a drug to me.

We reach our paradise to find it basically deserted, Olivia glances at me and I notice a glimmer of joy in her eyes mine probably mirroring hers. I grabbed a pot of pasta drowned in alfredo sauce, complete with a piece if garlic bread. My eyes scanned the now teeming room, spotting Olivia patiently waiting at the table on the far side of the hall. After handing over the exact amount for to the kind-looking dinner lady, I began to make my way towards Liv. Skilfully slipping through the crowded bodies, I'm used to dodging things now.

Out of nowhere a broad bulky build collides with mine, sending me flying. I didn't have time to catch myself as my face welcomes the marble floor. Surprisingly, the view from down here really isn't that pleasant. Though I didn't have very much time to admire it before two large hands snaked around my bust, hooking the insides of their elbows under my armpits. Panic courses through me as my body is yanked away from my acquaintance, my frame unwillingly begins to tremble. The muscular arms had now slithered out from beneath mine, leaving me standing awkwardly surrounded by a circle of sniggering teenagers. Glancing around as the panic begins to brew once again, my stomach churning as I feel my cheeks gradually turn pink.

"Watch where you're going next time"

Instantly my eyes widen as I recognize the voice. His voice.

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