Chapter 11

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Rough careless hands grip my body, the surroundings shock me, my eyes had been prepared for a source of light, but instead unnerving darkness greets me. Quickly scanning my surroundings, I spot a large body of water with trees and bushes lining the edges, I barely glance upon the beautiful orb of white in the sky before I am violently thrown over his rigid shoulder. Nausea consumes me, and I feel the urge to hurl the contents of my stomach down his back, but I bit my lip and force myself to swallow down the feeling. I'm not sure whether the cause is due to the current position and the harshness of the way I am being handled or the fact that I am in imminent danger and here is no chance of escape.

Abruptly I collide with the moist ground, pain shoots through my body at the unexpected collision, having my hands tied meant I could not interrupt my fall only intensifying the pain. I whimper as a shadow looms over my defenceless state.

"This has gone on for to long" He states calmly, the iciness in his tone shakes me to my core. I've seen him angry - experienced it - his usual icy tone is practically a burning fire in comparison to now.

"I've given you too many chances, you are no daughter of mine" viciousness spits from his mouth, every word he speaks shreds through the stitches already holding my heart together. "I tried to raise a respectful woman, instead it seems I raised an ungrateful... thing who cannot grasp the concept of life. I am ashamed of not only you but myself for allowing you to become so untameable. You clean, you cook, you keep to yourself. Three simple rules you had to follow, yet you turned into mother, stupid and useless. At least she eventually learnt her lesson, you on the other hand never will and I can not allow this to go on any longer."

With that he turns back towards he car as his words sink in. So many emotions hit me at once, I cannot fathom what is going on. His words rip through my body with a mission to shatter my heart, of course they were successful. My brain is telling me to cry but my body does not cooperate, instead I just feel numb everywhere but deep in my chest. Confused and distraught I slump to the ground, hoping that he'll just leave me here where there is a possibility someone may find me, but I know deep down that's just a fantasy.

Approaching footsteps make me glance up at me captor, just in time to see the manic look in his eyes before a large bag is placed over my body. Being tossed around in a sack is an experience I never expected, his intentions suddenly dawn on me and I pray to God for a miracle to save me from this fate.

But of course, that isn't possible.

He grunts as he drops me to the ground, then without hesitation he grips the top and begins to haul me into the depths of the unknown.

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