Chapter 10

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I rise to my feet, consumed by determination, and begin to stride towards where the boy disappeared too. Albeit the road is deserted, not a single sign of life around. I saw him. I did not hallucinate him; no way is my brain creative enough to design eyes as shockingly beautiful as his.

I follow the path ahead marching on fuelled by burning curiosity on the mystery man with eyes as addictive as whisky.

What if he was sent by your father?

The tiny timid voice questions in hope to break my steady pace, if he was he would not have dispersed the minute I spotted him, but he would seize me in an instant. I know too much.

A grumble of an engine behind me does not distract me from my mission, if only it did though. The grumble turned to a roar only to go silent. My pace quickens as chills scurry up and down my back, an echoing of a pair of footsteps follow close by, despite my steady gaining of speed.  Before I even got the chance to glance over my shoulder a sharp pain erupted from my spine causing me to buckle from the impact and sail towards the germ ridden ground. The metallic object collides with my body once more, that was the last thing I felt before the thick black cloud enwraps me.


Shadows from the sinking sun crept across the land, demolishing all traces of the natural golden rays; but she does not need the light, for her personal source brightens her life surpassing all other possible sources. She releases soft giggles in response to his manic singing, a giggle which does not just fill car they sit in but the boys entire body: his bones, his heart, his soul. She does not notice his eyes, glowing with the purest love at every glance he takes at her; she does not notice the way his palms sweat from her mere presence; most of all she does not notice the way she sends his heart into overdrive with every delicate action.

She reaches for the sky, embracing the feel of the wind slipping through her fingertips as they glide across the bumpy roads of the countryside. Her body jolts with the rise and fall of the road, she looks back to him, except its not the boy who she presented her heart to, in his place is the brutal beast who shattered her fragile mind, body and soul.

A sudden jostle shakes me from my slumber, unable to make the distinction between being awake or asleep due to the blackness of my surroundings. Slowly but surely my eyes adjusted to the situation, I attempt to move my arms from their uncomfortable position between my knees but the would not budge, I try again but once again they don't move an inch, instead a burning pain erupts from my wrists. Realization sinks in on the predicament I seem to have gotten myself into, thick ropes have been tied around my wrist and ankles in a sturdy knot, another rope joins the two together forcing me to me cramped into an uncomfortable fetal position. Next, I notice the closeness of the surrounding walls and the steady grumble of an engine along with the shakes of the road.

I'm in the trunk of a car.

And not just any car, his car. The familiar sent of my father sends my body into flight mode.

Urgently I begin to wriggle and writhe in attempt to free myself from the deathly hold of the restraints, but the movement was a useless, instead the reins tighten causing me to yelp from the pain. Reluctantly I give into the inevitable, slumping into the trunk despite the protests of my determined tense muscles.

Gradually the vehicle comes to a holt after the rocky road rattles my hopeless body, the silence of the car allows me to listen intently to my surroundings, the most distinguishable sound catches my immediate attention. The soft roar of a waterfall triggers an abundance of questions, my mind swells with the overwhelming thoughts and the brewing of a migraine begins, why now? A slamming of a door startles me, halting my train of thought and bringing my attention back to the situation.

What is he going to do to me?

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