Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"And Jasey, what is your address?" The man at the desk asks. Is this a dream? I can't help but think that maybe I will wake up and my parents will be here, telling me they love me.

Oh, what I would give to have one more hug. One more "I love you, Jasey". One more -"Jasey?" The man interrupts my thoughts, "Uh- uh- What was the... Uhm.. The question?" I take in a shaky breath. He slowly hands me a box of tissues, "I know this is hard for you. You have no known relatives so this may take a little bit longer. Ok? We just have to make it clear who you are and your relations to them. Does that make sense?" He asks with sympathy ringing in his voice. I rub my teeth together, straining to remember my address, "Eight eight three zero, Scott Valley Court." I tell him, collecting my thoughts as he types it into the computer.

I stare blanky at the floor and pick at the bandages on my hands as he asks me question after question. The ticking of the clock on the wall fills the silence when I do everything I can not to think of my parents. He slides away from his computer and walks around the desk, sitting in the empty chair next to me. I watch as he takes my hand in his and looks me directly in the eye, "Jasey. We are going to ask you to confirm the identity of your parents.." He has really blue eyes, the kind you get lost in. If you're the kind of girl who is into that thing. He kind of needs to shave too. He must not have a girlfriend. I have to confirm the identity of my parents. I've seen that in the movies. They show the people who is under the white sheet and they have to fill out a lot of paperwork. I have to see my parents.

"-Wait. What?" I ask, begininng to shake. I feel him grip my hand tighter, "I will be with you the whole time. You are the only person who can confirm. Seeing as that you have no other family." He tells me bluntly. I rip my hand away from his, "Please." I beg, "Please don't make me do this." Tears begin to flow from my eyes. I bring my legs up to my chest, begging him not to make me go.

"You can do this. Five seconds I promise you." He assures me, lifting me up from the chair, "Be strong, Jasey." I nod my head at his words and follow him out the door.

I am led through countless doors and down endless hallways. Who knew the police station was attached to the coroners and a morgue.

We get to a door and he pushes it open. Death hits me hard as the stagnant smell of embalmed bodies infiltrates my senses. I stop, shaking, as I fight to find air. The coroner and a bunch of other people in white appear and lead us into the room where my parents are. We pass lockers upon lockers of dead people and the hairs on the back of my neck rise. My hand finds the police officers hand and squeezes tight as my breathing quickens.

"Ok, Jasey." The man says to me as he opens the locker and starts sliding out a table with one of my parents covered in a sheet. I shouldn't be doing this. I can't. I feel the bile burn the back of my throat. "This will only take a second. Just say yes if it is them alright?" He opens the second locker right next to the first one so they are side by side. I watch as he grabs his clipboard and nods to the group behind me. I look up to the ceiling in hope that the tears will go back inside and pray to God for strength. I grip the mans hand tighter as the uncovers the sheet. I close my eyes so I don't have to look. "Are you Jasey Rae Collins? And by agreeing to this name you are claiming that you are to be this person. If you are not you are subject to penalty under the law. Please answer, out loud, yes or no."

"Yes." I say taking shorter breaths. I know it is coming and I gag, covering my mouth while I shake uncontrollably.

"Ms. Collins. Is this Ava Kelly Collins?" He asks and I open my eyes to look. The second I lay my eyes on my mom my heart is ripped from my chest. Her lips are blue and her hair is matted down with dry blood. I small squeak escapes from my mouth and I look down, "Yes." I say keeping my eyes open. No child should have to see this. The image is burning into my memory as I will it not to. "Again, Ms. Collins, is this Mathew James Collins?" He asks for the final time and I have to tear my eys away from my shoes. All I see is my dad's blood covered hair and I know it is him, "Yes." I say and turn around, sprinting out of the room.

I run down the hallways, tears soaking my cheeks, pushing through doors until my boot catches on something. I skid down to the floor, my skin squeaking on the linoleum. My body gets hot and I wretch, dry-heaving onto the floor. The image of my mom's bruised face flashes behind my closed eyes, "Mo-om." I whine as my tears blur my eyes. I roll onto my side and curl my knee's into my chest. I sob for what feels like forever, unable to catch my breath. My tears create a puddle around my face, until someone comes to find me. Scooping me up in their arms, I start fighting as my mind registers what is going on, "No!" I feel the words scratch my throat, "Mom!" I struggle to break free from this person cradling me but I am too weak, "Dad.. Dad. Please. Please." I beg, sobbing into the persons shirt. "Please.."

Wow.. I cried while writing this. Idk if it made you guys cry though. Sorry it's so depressing right now! I promise it will get better soon. Just stick with me! Please comment and vote! If you want to share please do! I really hope you guys like it! (:

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