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A/N jk Luke doesn't have a piercing anymore.

Michael: FW: party tonight. 11638 river view. Let's get fucked up!

I re-read the text from Michael and ponder going to the party. It wouldn't be too bad to get out of the house and lose myself. I can't stop the feelings of remorse and the tears that seem to always slide down my cheeks, leaving permanent lines on my skin it feels like.

I toss my phone on the bed and skip down the stairs, thinking of how to ask. I know I'm in trouble so I'm kind of thinking they'll say no.

"Hey guys." I say to my godparents as I sit on the bar stool.

"How are you honey?" Deb asks as she slides a plate of apples and peanut butter in front of me. My stomach clenches and I swallow to try to get the lump in my throat to go away. The snack that was once my favorite now makes me want to vomit.

"I'm fine." I say, tearing my eyes away from the plate of food. She gives me a look, "Jasey, if you're not it's ok to tell me. Josh and I are here for you and we just want you to be happy." Her words make me scoff, "How can I be happy when my parents are dead?!" I say loudly, sliding off the stool and stomping up the stairs. Anger pulses through me as I slam my door and stand there, breathing heavily.

I let out a frustrated growl and punch the wall without thinking, sending a small stinging pain across my knuckles. I calm down once I see the immaculate wall, taunting me as it sits there looking like it always does while my knuckles are bleeding. I sigh, realizing how stupid that was and remember why I went downstairs in the first place. Another sigh escapes from my chest and I sit on my bed, flexing my hand.

"I'll just sneak out." I say to no one in particular, shrugging as I wipe the blood off my hand.


A few hours later I show up to the party with a big scratch on my stomach from loosing my footing as I was climbing out of my house. Michael told me he was here before I left so I make my way through the crowd in order to find him.

"Jasey!" Someone calls out, chuckling. I turn around to see a familiar face from my Maths class but the name I don't recognize. He's the typical frat looking boy with mo-hawk-ish styled hair and toned, lean body. He has a tropical Snap-back on backwards with a bro tank and khakis. The only thing I know about him is that he plays lacrosse and is a class A jerk.

"Hey... You?" I give an awkward smile as he approaches me. He flashes me his perfect teeth, "What's a girl like you walking around by herself? Someone could get hurt." He teases me and I can't help but laugh at his pick up line. "Did you make that up yourself?" I joke back and the boy just shrugs, a playful smile still on his face.

"I'm really sorry but what's your name?" I ask, having to yell over the loud noise. The music is loud causing the people to be loud which makes everyone have to talk over one another resulting in me having to yell into his ear, repeating myself.

"Oh! Jackson!" He says taking his hand out of his pocket and offering it to me to shake. I grasp it and he speaks again, "Jackson Schmidt."

"Nice to meet you." I grin at him.

"Can I get you something to drink?" He gestures to the kitchen and I nod my head, "Yes please." He takes my hand in his and makes his way through the people, giving head nods to all his friends.

We reach the kitchen and I see all of his friends are in there once the chorus of "Hey man!"'s and "Bro!"'s circles around the group.

"Guys," Jackson starts, stepping back so he's next to me, "This is Jasey. Jasey this is Matt, Teagan, Ryan and Nick." He points to all the other equally attractive boys and I smile, giving a wave.

Sweet Escape // Luke Hemmings //Where stories live. Discover now