Chapter 9

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"And here we are." Deb smiles at me and let's me into the house.

It took a month. One full month to get everything sorted out. My parents left me all they had so I covered what furniture I couldn't take and packed away everything I wanted. I know I'll be able to go back if I need anything but leaving was hard. Really hard.

Somewhere along the way I was told I was moving to Australia and I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know how I could possibly leave my parents and the house I grew up in. How was I supposed to just leave everything I've known and loved? I keep telling myself it's a clean slate and I'll be able to move on but not a day goes by where I don't pine for my parents. I would do anything for one more hug, one more, "I love you, Jasey" from them. There will always be an empty hole in my heart. God, I miss them so much.

Tears prick my eyes and I drop my bag to wipe the water that has escaped my eyes. "I'm sorry." I whisper to Deb who just pulls me into a hug. Sobs wrack my chest as we start to fall to the floor. She is taller than me but pulls me on her lap, wrapping her thin frame around me as I cry. The weight on my chest is unbearable and makes it hard to breathe. She quietly shushes me and rubs my back, "I know, honey. I know." She whispers.

"Why?" I ask sobbing as I sit cradles in her arms, "Wh-y?" I say again, not even asking this time. My heart just feels so much pain it makes me want to stop living.

"Jase," She lifts my head up and holds my chin so I face her, "These things happen. It's a part of life. It's going to be so, so, hard to move on from this. I get it. I promise you though, you will be ok." She tells me softly as she wipes the tears away with her thumbs. I nod my head and take a shaky breath. "Now, let's go see your room." She smiles at me, "Josh and the girls put it together before we got back." She pulls me up from the floor and I grab my bag, "Uhm.. Thank you- Deb." I play with my hands trying to figure out why I'm thanking her. I mean, she is my guardian and must have wanted to take me in if anything happened. "Thank you for all of this." I give her a weak smile which she returns brightly, "We love you. When you're ready I'll tell you all about you're parents and I. They, actually, are the reason Josh and I are together." She says as she leads me up the big, rounding stairs.

Josh, Deb's husband, and their daughters stayed for a little bit to help move my things but the girls had school. While they were here I got to know my new god sisters. Ella is the oldest, she is five. Then there's Olivia, who is three. They are both the cutest girls ever. Both with big blue eyes and bright blonde hair. Ella's laugh is exactly what you would think I child's laugh is, something from a movie. They give me hugs and kisses all the time.

Josh is really cool too. He's a rep for Oakley which I learned is a ski and snowboard company in America but here they make beach wear and sponsor surfers and bikers. He gets really cool hook-ups I guess because he, Deb and the girls are always wearing Oakley clothes. Josh has short brown hair and has kind of a surfer attitude but not cocky. He always says things like, "Hey man!" When he greets people. They are both really young, early thirties.

Debbie is a skinny, model-esque woman. She has a big smile and long, straight, brown hair. She has a nice voice. She is what you would think a woman is. She is everyone's friend but only someone's friend- if you were seeing her in a magazine. Deb is an event coordinator for charity's and movie premiers.

They moved to Sydney, Australia a little over a year ago because of Josh's promotion with Oakley. The neighborhood is cute. I didn't really pay attention to much though. I think they said we have a neighbor who goes to my new school but I was too busy sighing to really care. The house is big though. There's a two door garage, five bedrooms, five bathrooms and a powder room. There's a play room upstairs along with my room and the girls room. Deb and Josh's room is downstairs.

"This is it!" She opens the door and I walk in. I am immediately stunned about my view. There's two big floor-to-ceiling windows that open onto a wooden deck. I see a few houses on the lower part of the hill that are right along the beach. I have a full view of the ocean and I am stunned by the beauty of it.

"Wow.." I whisper opening the glass doors. I step outside and the warm sea breeze blows light against my face. I then around and rush into her arms.

"Thank you. It's beautiful." I whisper as I clutch her thin frame. She pets my hair, kissing my forehead, "Of course." She smiles at me, "I'm going to start making dinner. Why don't you grab your things from the car and get situated?" I nod my head in return, standing there until she leaves the room.

Once the sound of her footsteps disappeared I went outside on the deck. I closed my eyes and soaked in the sunshine beaming down into my face.

"I love you, Mom. I love you, Dad. Thank you.. Thank you so much for everything you did for me." I whisper as hot tears roll down my face. I finally have come to my decision. It's time. "I love you guys so much." I lean my arms against the railing and close my eyes, I start to make the words but I realize I'm not ready yet. I don't want to let them go just yet. It's not time.

I let out a breath and wipe the tears away, holding onto the railing and leaning back as I look out into the ocean. "So beautiful." I whisper, the wind carrying away my words.


I drop the last suitcase on the floor and finally take a look around my room. It's actually really huge. Probably twice the size of my old bedroom. The old bedroom I will probably never see again. My heart tugs and I snap the rubber band on my wrist to stop myself from letting my feelings get carried away. I inhale and exhale the feelings like my therapist told me to do before I resume whatever I was doing. Right, my room.

My king bed stands in the corner against the cream colored walls with a small white painted wooden nightstand with a vintage lamp standing on it. A few feet away is a beach wood desk with a laptop on it. Wait, a laptop? I scoff, "They actually got me a laptop?" I walk over and graze my fingers over the lit up Apple symbol.

There's empty space for a few feet and then the door. On the other wall next to the door to my room is a door to my closet. I walk over and open the tall white door and am surprised at what I see: a walk in closet. I flick the light on and see a dresser in the corner, a few cubbies and shelves on the other side. In between all of that is space to hang clothes. It looks about eight feet by ten feet in size. I turn and flick off the light, still amazed to live in such luxury. I walk over to the next door several feet away. This one leads into the bathroom. It's nothing big but there's a blue shower curtain and a blue bath rug over the tile. I step out of the bathroom to admire my room as a whole.

I notice the sheer lavender curtains dancing in the breeze from the open door. I don't even need lights on it's so bright.

I curl my toes on the sand colored carpet and sigh, "What do you think Mom?" I giggle with giddiness, "The view is insane!" I walk back outside and take another look around, "Dad, let's go to the beach later. Ok?" I say out loud as I look over at my neighbors on the right. Their house is almost like ours but they have a pool instead of a play set like we do.

Suddenly I hear a distant door slam and turn my head to the neighbors on the right. A boy steps outside with his hands on his head. He looks frustrated as he kicks the grass with his shoes. His blonde hair reflects the sunlight and the skinny jeans paired with a plaid shirt look like something one would wear in cold weather, not this sunshine.

I stand there watching him for who knows how long until he turns, looking directly at me. I look away quickly, hoping he didn't catch me staring. I tuck my hair behind my ears, unsure of what to do.

"Jasey! Dinner!" I hear Deb calling from downstairs.

"Coming." I yell in reply and look back to the neighbors yard. The same yard which is now empty of the boy I saw a few moments ago.


But YAAASSS she finally saw Luke!!! Sorry for so much description. I just felt like things needed to be made clear. I'm glad I have something for you guys finally!(:

Let me know what you guys think!

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Sweet Escape // Luke Hemmings //Where stories live. Discover now