Chapter 4

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My mum had called the school and had booked an oppointment with Miss Johnson and i was a bit nervous. I went to schoola s normal and saw Connie waiting for me "what the hell, you two broke up why?" she asked me and i sighed, gotta tell her at somepoint.

"come on!" i said and took her away from the crowd. We went nearer the since huts outside where there was only people mpassing us and they were further away out of hearing distance "okay i might as well just tell you.Im pregnant and he wanted me to abort the baby, i refused he dumped me and doesnt want anything to do with the baby!" i said and seh stared at me,

"why arent you aborting it?" she asked and i looked at her shocked "i dont agree with ti, its like murder!" i said and she looked at me "but you two are perfect for each other and he wants you to abort it!" she said and i was getting angry now,

"i dont cvare im not aborting it and if that means we break up then we break up!" i said and she shook her head "your crazy, your both perfect for each othe ri dont see why you wont do it!" she said and i looked at her shcoked "because its murder!" i said and she looked at me,

Dina came running over and looked at us both "hey..." she trailed of and is mile d"hey Dina!" i said and Connie looked at her "might as well tell you two. Jamie and Nikkie broke up because she wont abort there baby!" she said and Dina looked at me,

"your pregnant?" she asked and i nodded "yeh i found out at the doctors yesterday!" i said and she nodded "what happened?" she asked and i sighed "i told him, he wanted me to abort it i said no he said he didnt want anything to do with the baby and we broke up!" i said and she nodde,d

"i agree you shouldnt abort it, tis wrong!" she said and Connie loked shocked "there perfect for each toher, how can you not see this!" she said shocked "they clearly arent and im sorry but i never liked them together anyway and im sticking with Niks on this!" she said and stood beside me,

"you both are crazy!" Connie said and walked away and Dina gave me a hug "dont worry, im here for you all the way!" she said and i smiled "thanks Dina!" i said and she smiled "so whats happening now?" she asked and i sighed,

"i have an oppointment with my guidence teahcer,mum and gran!" i said and she laugehd and i nodded "your gonna have fun can i please come and watch!" she said and i shook my hea d"no trust me it will be tortuire though!" i said and she nodded "yeh okay!" she said and i smiled.

The bell went and i sighed "wish me luck!" i said and she nodded. I wlaked to Miss Johnsons office where my mum and gran were already inside talking to her. I knocked ont he door "come-in!" she said and iw alked in and my mum and gran smiled,

"ah Nicola take a seat!" Miss Johnson said and is mield and took a seat beside my mum "now then, i have just been told why were her!" she said and i nodded "yeh!" i said and she nodded "not going ask any questions were just gonna talk on what were going to do!" she said and i nodded,

"right-o!" she said and got out a folder "now the school lets you take some time off and the teachers at main subjects come and tutor you once a week, so they give you work and it has all the work you will do for that week and they come to your house for an hour a day, now we could do that for you?" she asked and i nodded,

"Wehn would i stop going then?" ia sked and she thought about it "well the October holidays?" she asked and i nodded "marvelous!" she said and i nodded "alright, let me get the annoying forms!" she said and i nodded.

She went in a silver filing cabinet and brought afew out and twirled a pen through her fingers while she filled them in "alrghty i need your mum to sign here and then you to sign here!" she said giving my mum the paper.

My mum signed it and then passed it to me and i signed it and passe dit back to Miss Johnson "i do believe that is it, any questions?" she asked and we all shook our heads "good, i thinks thats us!" she said and we all smiled. My mum and gran said bye and we left her office.

"you guys didnt say anything!" i said when we got to my mums car. Thye didnt talk and Miss Johnson didnt say anything remotley sarcastic or was i the only one who noticed that. Thye both looked at each other for a moment "doesnt matter sweetie, its fine are you staying the rest of day at school?" my mu asked and i nodded,

"yeh!" i said and she gave me a hug okay sweetie see you when you get home!" she said and i nodded and left. I walked to class but there was no point as it was now lunch time.

I got some lunch and met Dina at our table without Connie "hey hwo did it go?" she asked as i took some of my burger and i nodded "good, after the October holidays my teachers are comming to the house, its to complicated to explain though!" i said and she nodded,

"jammie bastard!" she said and i laughed a bit. We started talking but was interupted by Connie. She sat infront of me and smiled "alright now i have talked with Jamie and we both agree if you abort the baby everything can go back to normal!" she said and i was surprised as she was serious.

Me and Dina didnt say anything we just gathered our stuff and left for the library where we spent the rest of the lunch period.

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