Chapter 6

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We got to the twelve week mark and everything was okay and today is halloween, so Happy Halloween! Its also a Friday and i have my sarcastic teacher comming for my psychology lesson and its halloween so this might be bad,might.

As it was halloween i had a black jumper on that had a cartoon ghost holding a brown paper bag and the caption was 'i got a rock' it was a baggy jumper and i had some light blue joggies with black writing on them plus trainer socks that one had black siders and the other had pumkins on them.

I was in my living room on facebook and my mum was getting her stuff ready for work when the door went "Nic could you get it?" my mum asked and i nodded "sure!" i said and got up and answered the door and it was Miss Johnson.

She smield when she saw me and i saw she had a t shirt on that said 'this is my teacher costume' and some black skinny jeans and a blue blazer, it looke dpretty good on her. I smiled and let her in "happy halloween!" she said and i laughed a bit "happy halloween!" i said and we walked into the kitchen.

My mum came through looking panicked "whats up?" i asked and she pulled on her hair "that doesnt make you look crazy!" Miss Johnson said and my mum smiled "i have los-y-" i interupted her "your marbles, your diganity, your sanity the list could go on!" i said and Miss Johnson laughed a bit,

"sarcy pants!" she said and i looked at he r"me sarcy have you seen her in class!" i said pointing to Miss Johnson who held her hands up "i cant can i am not seventeen!" she said and i smile d"you mean from the age twelve to eighteen!" i said and she said flipped me of and ran upstairs and Miss Johnson laughed a bit,

"i look forward to comming here all week!" she siad with a smiel and  i smiled. my mum ran down the stairs and into the living room "Nuke the Whales!" she said and the door shut and she was gone for work and i smiled lightly.

I gave Miss Johnson all the work i had done and she gave me the work i was to do, as i got started on it she marked my work. There was alot of questions that made me think and write alot on of the questions being, 'What is the key to solving life's problems?' How was i suppose to answer that and i dont like mising a question it just isnt what i do so i put something quick,

The kinds of problems that psychology can help you solve include a wide range of practical situations that confront people on a daily basis. Whether it’s hooking up a new computer, fixing a broken electrical fixture, arranging the order of foods to cook when you’re preparing a meal, or figuring out the best route home, there are similar steps involved in being a good problem-solver. Psychologists suggest that you first understand the nature of the problem, like rearranging puzzle pieces or putting things in proper order. Then, more importantly, you need to keep an open mind to possible solutions, even ones that may seem a bit out of the ordinary. In fact, sometimes the more unusual, the better. We are all very prone to mental set, and that can be a huge impediment to problem solving. 

 It didnt take me long to finish all the questions and i was done and Miss Johnson had already marked my work and was marking other stuff "here you go!" i said and she smiled "right then!" she said and had a quick look over it and smiled "good,good!" she said and ticked it off and i smiled "what now?" i asked and she gave me a quick worksheet to do and iwas done within five minutes,

"okay so ive gone over the homework and the other lesson shit, thats it i think!" she said and i nodded "okay then!" i said and she smiled. She put her stuff in her bag and i put my stuff away and i walked her ot the door "well i shall see you next week!" she said and i smile d"bye Miss!" i said and waved her ye and she left.

I dont know why but i was beining to like her comapny. I thought about ti more and i smiled, she had this bubbly personality that always made you laugh or smiel at somepoint and she semed very confident in what she was doing.

She also seemed very human and there was something about her eyes that seemed worth looking at, not in a im-a-lesbian way but in a nice way cos im not a lesbian i do the dick not the lick!

The next day Dina came over and we were watching movies all day "god why does he torture me and be topless for most of the movie!" Dina gasped as we saw Mick Garland topless again and i shrugged,

Before i would have agreed with her i mean he had not a six pack but an eightpack. He had rich black hair that i would have before wanted to run my fingers through, his biceps could be seen under anything he wore he was a sexual god but now i dont see it.

"i guess..." i trailed of and she paused the movie and looked at me "your pregnant, considering your hormones went balistic befroe the should be exploding now!" she said and i shrugged "im sorry i dont see it!" i said with a light laugh and she shook her head,

"my god who are you?" she asked and i laughed "a human!" i said and she shook her head "weirdo!" she said and we watched the rest of the movie.

What was happening to me! I asnt fangirling over the hottest man on the planet, i mean seriously even when i was with Jamie i would fangirl over him and i mean i would jump up and down in my room screaming and looking at the TV all dreamy like but now im shrugging him off, seriously?

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