Chapter 10

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Its been afew weeks and its now mid way through Febuary and i love just being with Zoe. She has sticked to her word and has been carefull and kind about the whole first girlfriend thing and is happy answering my questions on it.

She has also helped me realise im a lesbian and i have no sexual attraction to boys what so ever so i have decided i shall tell my mum and gran today, i told Din ayesterday and she just was like 'yeh cool so what movie we watchin' next' i was glad she was okay with it.

My mum and gran were sitting in the living room watching TV so i went and sat down with them "hey sweetie!" my mum said and my gran smiled "hows you?" my gran asked and i smile d"actually theres something i need to tell you both!" i said and my mum looked worried while my gran raised an eyebrow,

"guys im gay!" i said and my gran smiled and so did my mum "i knew it, i am a psychic!" my gran cheered and danced around the room whiel my mum shook her head at my gran "not the time mum!" she said,

My gran stood me up and hugged me tight "we still love you!" she said and is mield "good!" i said and hugged her tight and the door bell went and i knew it would be Zoe as school was just out,

"ye shall open ze door!" my gran said and charged to the door and my mum hugged me "my baby!" she said and she looked to be crying and smiling "why are you crying?" i asked and she lauged i dont know!" she said and hugged me,

"my baby!" she said and hugged me "grow up Kirsty, she's gay not leaving us!" my gran said and i laughed, i saw Zoe smiling at me proudly and is miled back at her "mum let me go!" i said and she made blubbering noises and i laughed a bit,

"my baby!" she said and let me go and smiled at me "work!" she sscreamed and ran around the house "bye!" she said and shut the door "well that went quick!" i said and my gran nodded "right wheres the fridge!" my gran said and rubbing her hands together and she wlaked of to the kitchen.

I looked and she couldnt see us so i walked over to Zoe and kissed her lightly "im proud of you!" she said and hugged me and i smiled "thank you for helping me!" i said and she squeeezed me "no problem!" she said and i kissed her more passionatly, i was really liking her.

We walked through to the kitchen and my gran was head in the fridge dancing and had a handful of food in her arms. She turned around and smiled "i think being gay suits you better!" she said and is miled "thanks gram!" i said and she nodded,

"i've always known it!" she said and i sighed and sat beside Zoe "considering i didnt i doubt it!" i said and she smiled "you forget im a psychic, ive known since you were twleve. I know your entire future, and all the secrets!" she said looking between me and Zoe,

"eh okay...." i said and she smiled "so cute!" she said and tapped my head and walked of to the living room "does she know abvout us then?" Zoe asked and i shrugged "not sure, no one really knows if she is a psychic or not!" i said and Zoe nodded,

"if im honest i dotn mind if she does!" Zoe said and i smiled "nor do i!" i said and lightly kissed her "especially when you do that!" my gran shouted and we snapped our heads back and she was lenaing on the living room door frame,

"gram, what are you doing?" i asked and she smiled "watching you two now do some work!" she said and walked away and i felt like bursting into laughter and i could tell Zoe did to so we did.

I was given a booklet about the same thickness as the other one afew weeks ago ?"you like booklets, thick booklets!" i said and she laughed a bit "not me the other teahcer before me!" she said and i nodded "excuses, excuses!" i said and she laughed a bit and i got on with my work,

This one was somehow easier than the other one so it didnt take me long to finish "thats me!" i said and she smiled. She stoped marking jotters and marked my work and smiled "this one and this one!" she said and i nodded.

I looked the answers over and i didnt see how there wrong "see, you got them mixed up!" she said as if she was reading my mind. I looked at it again and smiled "okay you might be right!" i said and she laughed,

"okay sweetie!" she said and i smiled at her pet name for me "sweetie?" i asked wth a raised eyebrow "you dont like it?" she asked and i smiled more "no i like it!" i said and lightly kissed her and she smiled.

"is that all?" i asked and she smiled "no theres alot more!" she said and kissed me again, i put my arms around her neck and she put hers on my lower waist and pulled me closer to her. She ran her tongue along my bottom lip and i gave her entrance and i felt like an explosion went of it was that good.

After a while we pulled away for a breath and i smiled "not what i meant!" i said and she kissed my nose "but its how i took it!" she said and i smiled. My gran came through and smiled at the way we were,

"it finally happened!" she said and i raised an eyebrow "what you mean?" i asked and we changed so Zoe had her arm around my waist protectivly "ive known this would happen since you were sixteen!" she said with a smile and is hook my head,

"so your really a psychic?" Zoe asked and my gran nodded "three seconds a bird will drop infront of our window!" as soon as she finished a bird literly dropped infront of our back window. We both looked at my gran in shock and she smirked,

"told you" she said and switched the radio on and put it on to great classics and Elvis was on and she started dancing to him and i smiled as Zoe kissed my forehead. Zoe got her coat and bag on and i kissed her cheek and she smiled at me.

I walked her tot he door and she smiled "see you next week then!" she said and i nodded "see you next week!" i said and she lightly kissed me and i waved her bye and shut the door. I walked through to the living room and my gran had her feet on the table and she was flicking through the channels while eating crisps,

"thought i was the pregnant one!" i said and she smiled "im old!" she said and i laughed a bit and shook my head "you have to be the first person at your age to admit there old!" i said and she nodded "i dotn care!" she said and i smiled.

When my mum got home my gran left and she hugged me tight.  I done some homework thats due next week before crashing on my bed for some sleep.

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