Chapter 7

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Today mum,gran and me are going baby shopping. Its just after christmas so were trying to get in the sales. We already have stuff ;like essentials btu were going for more.

My mum drove us into town and we walked around the mall to the baby shop and we looked around as they had a 50% sale, my mum almost,almost fangirled at this.

My gran said she would do the clothes so me and mum walked around "aww cute!" my mum said and ran over to a jumpsuit and i smiled "love it!" i said and she smiled "i dont care if you like it were buying it!" she said and i laughed a bit and she put it in the trolley.

"toys!" i said and ran over and im such a kid but i started playing with them. My gran came over and looked between me and the toys and she to started playing them until my mum came over and dragged us away but we sneaked some in the trolley.

we finally left, it was a strenuous trip i can tell you. What mum wanted i didnt like and gran just chucked in everything and what i liked mum said we didnt need but i have a feeling we did, so we couldnt decided on half the stuff but somehow we managed it.

We got home and i went straight to bed, i was shatterd. I got out of my clothes and put black joggers and a t shirt on and crawled into bed.

I must have slept for two and a half hours before my gran got me up "why?" i groaned and she laughed "school teacher's here, Miss Johnson i think!" she said pondering the thought and my sporits instantly lifted and i smiled,

"gimme a minute then!" i said and she nodded and left "your aint nothin' but a hound dog!" i heard my gran sing as she went down the stairs and i shook my head and got up. I brushed my hair as i had bed head and sorted my clothes out and went downstairs and grabbed my stuff.

I walked through and Miss Johnson was looking amused at my gran dancing in the kitchen while making some toast. I sat down and stared at my gran and shook my head.I could tell 'Jilhouse Rock' was on the way she was dancing and the way she belted the song out.

"psychology!" i said and Miss Johnson nodded and thats when my gran left. "okay here you go!" she said and gave me a booklet "all of it?" i asked and she nodded "yes!" she smirked and i shook my head "evil teacher!" i mumbled and she laughed a bit,

"annoying student!" she mumbled back and i smiled and opened it up and frowned "to much writing!" i groaned and she laughed "good luck!" she said and tapped my head and i sighed but got on with the work,

"so how was your christmas?" she asked and i nodded "never give your gran the responsability of the stuffing!" i said and my gran shouted through from the living room "ITS NOT MY FAULT, THE OVEN BURNT THE STUFFING NOT ME!" she shouted and Miss JOhnson laughed slightly "right..." she said and i nodded.

"So how was yours?" i asked and she nodded "good. My sister and her family were over from Austraulia so it wasnt just me and my brother which was good!" she said and i smile d"well thats good!" i said and she laughed a bit,

She was about to say something until her phone interupted her. I was goven an appologetic look and she looked at her phone and frowned and cancelled the call. She put the phoen back in her pocket and she didnt seem so bubbly anymore and it put me in a damper aswell.

"you could've answered it i wouldnt mind!" i said and she shook her head "didnt want to talk to the person any-" she was interupted by it going again and she looked at it and cancelled it again "Seriously answer it next time or i refuse to do anymore work!" i said and she smiled "i refuse to talk to her!" she said and i raised an eyebrow,

"why, did she do something?" i asked and she shook her hea d"no i did it or the person which caused the break up!" she said and well this could confirm she is into women "go on..." i said and she smiled widely,

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