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I woke up to see Tom wasn't there, I got worried I suddenly heard a noise form the bathroom...

"Lace are you up?" He sounded sick... I sprinted to the bath room and saw him curled up on the floor, I sat next to him and fiddled with him hair.
"What's the matter tommy" I said slightly worried. I felt his fore head, very hot.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel rubbish lace" I picked my self up and then grabbed toms hand and pulling him from living down to sitting up. I ran to grab and bucket and left it in our room and I got some water and some DVDs...
"Come on Tom lets get you back to bed" I said pulling him to his feet, he felt weak, I helped him back to bed and tucked him in, I curled up back next to him and turned my laptop on and logged into Netflix, it was 3:30 in the morning, how was I awake. I slid slightly under Tom so he could use me and a pillow and I held him so tight, like I didn't want to loose him. I kissed him forehead and we begun to watch a film, the end of the film neared and Tom was asleep, I slid away from him and grabbed my cardigan, it was still dark but I could go watch sun rise I quickly rote Tom a note so he knew where I was and that I was safe...

'Taking a walk on the beach back soon, love you~<3'

I slowly walked out side trying not to waken anyone, I found it calming to be Strolling down the beach, I saw a shadow in the distance, I felt a little shaken up but I knew I would be fine, i had walked quite far and thought a lot, I sat down and ran the sand through my fingers and just took in the views, the sky was a beautiful colour and all I could her were the waves washing in to me. I just sat. Thought. Remembered. Enjoyed.

I had found my self almost awaken from my own world to a tap on my back, I turned around it was one of the lads from the group of friends we met the other week, Dan. He took a seat next to me, and we sat in silence.

"How are you from the you know, who har thingy with jake?" Dan said breaking the silence, the person he mentioned made my eye twitch.
"Not quiet made a recovery, don't like to trust people" he let out a little smile when I begun to talk.
"Where's Tom?" He said making me get a picture in the back of my mind. "Oh and we ditched jake, he's a idiot for what he did" I nodded my head...
"Toms Ill, I need to get some air and watching the sun rise was on my bucket list so why not"
I look out into the sea and in perfect time the sun rose, it was beautiful, amazing, I wish Tom was here, I would show him another day.
"It's beautiful isn't it? I watch it every day" dan said. Dan stood up and gave me his hand, pulling me up.
"I'll walk you back" we walked along the beach talking about home, just around the corner from my villa he said...
"Your a nice girl you know, never forget that, never let Tom or jake take that away from you, I'm always here, for a millisecond I felt like I was nere cheating on Tom.
Jake pulled me into a hug, a friendly hug.
"Thanks for the memory, I'll see you around" with that we walked backwards waving. I slowly walked back to the villa and sat around the pool with just my feet in the water, my phone went off in my pocket... It was dan.
'Thanks for the walk, hope you didn't take it as a romantic thing? You and Tom are perfect, just hope we can become close friends, all of us xx'

'Thank you two, and don't sorry I didn't, glad you feel the same, I love Tom and I know I do, hope we can all become closer two xx'

I walked back inside to see Tom wide awake, when I noticed I had been gone for 2 hours.

"Where have you been, I've been worried sick, I know you left a note but..." He begun to sneeze, I ran to him and rapped my arms around him.
"I saw the most beautiful thing, don't worry I was with dan from the group, we watched the sun rise, it felt wrong without you, showing you when your better though!"
I noticed I had just seen dan wearing my pjs, no make up and the messiest pony tail ever. Oh well.

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