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I started to pack rapidly I couldn't wait to move, we managed to get a house on the same street and Lacey, couldn't wait, It was going to be like old times, seeing my girlfriend everyday.

"I'm just nipping to the shop Tom, be right back"my mum shouted.
After five minutes of pure silence I heard a Knock at the door, I strolled down the steps and unlocked the door to find a tearful Vicky, why is she here?

"Can I come in?"I let her, I was so confused.
"What do you want, why are you here?" I said to here getting her some water as she sat down.
"You moved on so quick, I'm still hung up, I miss you, come back to me, she's gone now, miles away"
"I'm moving back to America, I don't love you and I have always loved lace, she's my Bestfriend, we were not right." I'm still confused
"You're moving, for your stupid girlfriend?"
"Get out if your going to call her stupid" she shuffled a little closer to me, I tried to stand up but she held my arm down, I already ,missed Lacey already, I loved her!
"I'm sorry please don't just hear me out!" I nodded
"I still am very much in love with you"she said moving closer. Her crying got worse.
Suddenly she pounced on me and started to kiss me like we used to, it was wrong I shaved her off me and didn't kiss back at all.
"WHAT ON EARTH YOU KNOW ABOUT LACEY, I DONT LOVE YOU!"I shouted she pounced on my again just as the front door was unlocked I was pushing her away but I couldn't shed pinned me down, I shut my lips and pushed her shoulders, my mum walked in and picked Vicky up off me.
She stormed out in tears, I started to cry and my mum held me.
"It's okay, it's fine she's gone, why was she here?" My mum started to stroke my arms.
"I don't know, she kissed me I swear I never kissed her, I hate her! Mum I feel so bad I need to talk to Lacey!" I couldn't bear the fact that she kissed me, I hated her!
Mum grabbed the phone and put it on speaker and now the dreaded phone call begun, bearing in mind it was 2:10 in the afternoon which meant it was only 6 in the morning over there, she was going to hate me even more!

Beep beep beep.....
'Helllo?....' A very tired voice spoke at the other end of the line.
'Lacey were sorry for waking you' my mum spoke trying to the the painful situation on the down low.
'Is everything okay? What's going on, is my boy okay?' She sounded worried.
'Im here don't worry baby girl' my voice was croaky trying to hold back the manly tears.
'Look Lacey...' My mum started to explain the whole thing, Lacey was so understanding, I told her what had happened and she was completely calm
'I hate her guts you have to understand I didn't kiss her back babe I love you too much lace, do you trust me?'
'Tom I couldn't care less, I love you to much, but if I see her she will meet the back of my hand!' She chuckled a little.
'Lacey I love you, your the best girlfriend I could have wished for, I don't deserve you you're too perfect!'
'Awww Tom, hurry up and get back over to America I miss you so bad! Look I need sleep, we have been on the phone for almost an hour mums waking up I can hear her'
'Love you' I said she repeated back and my mum said bye.

The phone line died and I got all angry again, my mum just held me and told me I was going to be fine how Lacey understood and how we were moving in 1day and I could forget about her and this place. I hadn't told my friends about the move I thought I'd leave them a text and I'd pop around to my best mates house party tonight so they can say good bye, I'd only stay an hour then come home for the final pack for the morning.

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