Chapter 7

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"Okay, fine, I must admit, these are the best wings ever," I said, grabbing another one from the bucket we ordered.

"Okay stop. I don't get it!" Alex exclaimed exasperated.

"What don't you get?"

"How can you eat so many wings, with your hands, and only get your fingertips dirty??"

"Magic," I drawled lazily and took a wing with my fingertips and swiftly bit off the flesh from the wings and slowly ate one in front of him again without dirtying anything. He gaped at me and I smirked.

"So, what's up with you hanging out with me now?" He asked changing the subject.

"If you may recall, you were the one bringing me here to eat," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't deny the fact that you can't thank me enough for bringing you to the best hot wing place there is," He laughed and I felt obliged to start laughing too. His laughter was extremely contagious.

"Oh. My. God." I heard someone say from beside us.

"Oh my gawd Alex is on a date with *GASP* Aria Moore!!!!" Another extra nasally voice said.

"Okay, who is that because I seriously feel like punching whoever it is in the face right now, and if I see one of those stick like things you call girls that normally hang around you, I will," I said calmly, looking only at Alex.

"You mean two of those stick like things we call girls," The voice, now normal, deeper and sounding like a boy's replied. I turned around to see Ryan Dale and Logan Bryce smirking simultaneously at me. I blanched.

"Oh, it's you two," I said disappointedly and turned back to Alex, "I take that back I'd rather have the bimbo twigs,"

"Way to make us feel welcome," Logan rolled his eyes.

"No, they couldn't possibly welcome us when they're on a date," Ryan replied smirking. My eye twitched slightly.

"Oh, that's right. But why did you bring her here of all places. That's so unromantic of you Alexander," Logan continued and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"It's not a date guys so calm your tits. I was just showing her the beauty of the hot wings of McLaren's diner," Alex told them gesturing to the bucket.

"Yeah, and now that I'm done, take me home," I demanded.

"Ooh she wants the D," Ryan commented. I glared at him but didn't bother to reply.

"Hurry up Alexander," I smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay guys nice seeing you here and all but I've got a girl to send home," He said standing up.

"WAIT! Not so fast..." Ryan called again.


"There's a bonfire at the beach later at night. Think you can make it?"

"Are you inviting me to a bonfire, a social gathering?"

"Yeah guys you know how much she needs to keep up that reputation of hers," Alex teased.

"Watch it, the last time you said that you got your balls kicked. Do you want that to happen again?" I glared threateningly at him.

"Oh, I know you won't. How are you supposed to get a ride home if your driver is severely injured?" He smirked.

"Don't be so dramatic, it won't be severe. Plus I could always drive off without you," I smirked back.

"You wouldn't..." He moved closer mockingly and I rolled my eyes.

"Guys? An answer please?"

"We'll see. I happen to be quite busy you know," I said stubbornly. They chuckled and raised their hands in defense.

"Well, I'm gonna be there," Alex added.

"And why would I care?" I bit back at him getting into the car.


"DAMNIT!" I screamed in frustration.

"Honeyyy, are you alright sweetie,"

"Ugh, yes dad I'm fine,"

"What's wrong dearie,"

"....I don't know what to wear,"

"Are you going somewhere?" I could here the surprise in my father's voice

"Yes. But I don't think my boots and leather jacket is appropriate for the beach.."

"Yes well I can't help you there girl,"

I sighed. I couldn't find anything in my wardrobe that was suitable for the beach. All it consisted of was leather jackets, black/gray long sleeve shirts for work, black/gray/white/dark red/dark blue T-shirts and sweaters with funny prints on them, black/dark blue skinny jeans and leggings I only wear at home. Yeah you see I only have a certain range of colors I wear and none of them suit the beach. I have no tank tops or anything that showed much of my skin.

I sat on my bed again and sighed. Why did he have to go? If he had just stayed at home I wouldn't have to go.

"If you can't hang then there's the door baby, if you ca-" I picked up my ringing phone. This is odd.. no one really calls me that often.

"Hello?" I asked politely.

"ARIA!!!" I immediately pulled my phone away from my ear.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET MY NUMBER?!" I screamed back to the idiot who was on the phone with me.

"Chill I took it when you were eating the wings and put my number in," Alex said.

"Just because you gave me a ride to school and back and took me to eat wings and paid for it doesn't make you my friend,"

"Oh no, of course it doesn't," I could practically feel the sarcasm roll off of him.

"Glad you know. Now can I go?" I asked bored.

"Wait, are you coming to the beach?"

"Maybe. Why?"

"I...don't mind picking you up,"

"Just because you gave me a ride today doesn't mean I don't have one,"

"I didn't say you didn't I see you everyday with that bike of yours,"

"Then?" I paused waiting for him to continue and explain.

"Never mind," He groaned and I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh and by the way, we might going swimming,"

"Are you freaking crazy?! In the middle of the night?!"

"Yeah why not?"

"Why not? WHY NOT? It's gonna be freezing you dumbass!" He chuckled.

"Don't worry. Just bring spare clothes. Oh and the clothes you wear everyday, especially those boots? Yeah they won't do,"

"No shit Sherlock," I sighed and continued, "I don't have anything else though.."

"Just wear a tank top or a Tshirt and some shorts,"

"I DON'T HAVE ANY!!!" I screamed.

"Okay jeez chill,"

"I haven't been to a beach since I was... ten," I thought, talking to myself.

"Oh.. Well then, meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes okay?"

"What??" I asked but he hung up. What was he planning....

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