Chapter 6

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"Okay Aria, you can do this.. This is a piece of cake, right?" I whispered to myself as I built up the courage to approach him. By him, I meant bloo, aka Alexander Turner.

I walked slowly to him and his car. Luckily, he was alone, not surrounded by incessant girls or idiot boys.

The plan: get in the car immediately so no one would notice.

I stealthed to his car, opened the door and shut it. I smirked to myself. Mission accompli-

"You didn't think I'd notice if someone went into my car? Im right here you know?" Alex rolled his eyes and got in. Or not.

"I need a ride," I shrugged.

"Do you now?" He taunted, smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms, waiting for him to start the engines.

"Where to madam?" he asked. I rolled my eyes yet again and told him the address to a house a few blocks away from mine. What? I don't really trust him, okay?

It was silent for a while except for some foreign music playing in the car. What is this? French?

"You listen to French?" I asked curiously.

"Well, yeah it's pretty refreshing hearing something other than English,"

"It sounds great...

J'irai chercher ton âme dans les froids dans les flammes

Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore," I sang along to the chorus of Celine Dion's pour que tu m'aimes encore.

"You listen to French?" He raised his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes in return.

"pensez-vous? (you think?)," I spoke fluently and he laughed loudly.

"You know French?" he asked again and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh no that was just Korean I spoke there just now," I said dryly sarcasm dripping from my voice. He laughed lightly and merely shook his head at me.

It was silent for most of the ride until he broke the ice.

"So.. anywhere you like to go to?"

"What are you talking about??"

"I'm just trying to make small talk.." I laughed as he pouted dramatically.

"I don't know any places here.."

"So you don't know where McLaren's is and you don't know how delicious the food there is?"

"Wait, if you're talking abou-"

"No, I'm not talking about the McLaren's bar from How I Met Your Mother. I'm talking about the McLaren's diner from here," He said amused.

"Well then no I haven't,"

Then all of a sudden he turned right instead of left when I knew that he's supposed to turn left. I froze in my seat.

"Where are you taking me? My house is that way!"I turned to him with narrowed eyes. He turned to look at me and narrowed his eyes at me. My eyes widened slightly in shock and I frowned in confusion and looked away. He was narrowing his eyes at me?

"We're taking a slight detour, that okay?" He asked, his mood completely changing now. Just then he seemed mad at me and now he's okay again.. Does he have some sort of mood swing problem or something?? I scrunched my nose up in confusion even more and he chuckled slightly.

"What's so funny??" I glared at him. He laughed still and didn't answer my question. But he murmured something that sounded a lot like cute. Well, he had better hoped he hadn't said that..

"Where are we going?"

"I can't say,"

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know,"

"You don't know or you won't tell me?"

"Hmm both,"




"Where are we going?"


"How can we be going nowhere when we are getting somewhere in this car?"

"Just.. shut up!" He exclaimed exasperated and I smirked.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the millionth time. He sighed.



"You're not going to answer?.... Fine I don't care," I huffed and pouted staring out the window. Stupid guy who doesn't want to tell me the stupid place we are going to. Suddenly he started chuckling.

"Who knew you could be so cute," He stated still grinning. I glared at him. No one calls me cute. No one.

"What did you say?" I seethed at him.

"Uhm nothing I didn't say anything," He cleared his throat. All conversation ended there and I didn't start any just to prove a point.

"So.. you're probably gonna kill me when I tell you this but.." He winced as he parked his car at some diner.

"What?" I asked cautiously with narrowed eyes.

"WE'RE AT MCLAREN'S!!!" He exclaimed and I cringed and covered my ears, glaring at him. I crossed my arms.

"Take me back home," I demanded.

"Woah Rose I didn't know you wanted that.."


"Then what did you mean?" he wriggled his eyebrows and I slapped him on the arm. Unfortunately he didn't wince or anything. Was I getting weaker?

"You know perfectly well what I mean," I said again, "take me back home now,"

"Hmm let me think about it.. no," He smirked and I gaped at him.

"Are you not afraid of my death voice? That I might kick you in the balls again and take your car or something?" I joked and he laughed, surprising me once more.

"Nah, I don't believe those rumors. Besides I see you helping people out all the time. You're not so badass after all," Oh My God. He doesn't believe the rumors and he saw me helping people out before? Hah, as if. I make sure nobody's around while I actually stop those idiots who try to bully others. Can't ruin my reputation.

"You're making it up" I say indifferently.

"Oh believe me, baby. I've seen it all. You helping out Matthew Morris that freshman from Doug Dubler. Oh and that time where Garrett Masely tried to molest Hannah Sim and you kicked him in the balls and almost neutered him. People saw that one just after Hannah ran away. But I was there," He said knowingly.

"Huh, and you say I'm not badass? I didn't almost neuter him, I did,"

"So that rumor is true.. The guy deserved anyway,"

"Yes he did," I smirked. He suddenly got out of the car and went to open mine.

"Now hero, ready to eat the best wings ever?" He held out his hand and I grinned and the only thing I could think of then was, 'I'm more of a hero than you know,'

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