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"Sarah!" my mom called as I was late for the first day of high school.

"Ugh, coming." I yell back.

"Well hurry it up." She yells back to me.

"Slow poke." my sister says. Because she isn't slow.

"I'll give you some advise, don't be annoying."

"butt." I tell her. We drive to the school without my sister because she is going to college. As I got out of the truck I miss the first step. Boys look and my mom honks the horn and they quickly run off. I roll my eyes and go to first period.

"By any chance do you have a laptop with you?" Some kid asked.

"DO WE NEED ONE?!" I rudely ask. I didn't want to be a rude yet annoying person but I was not in the mood.

"no." he hides under his desk. "okay, I will tell you about things such as schedules, lunch, and dress code." the whole class sighs at the thought. I go under my desk and play in my phone.

"Sarah, is that a phone i see?" my teacher ask. I look around everyone has the same plain, yet curious look I their face. Except for one guy. He had a smirk on his face.

"Not anymore" I kiss up to all my teachers like this. "Ok then, now back to lunch schedules." I nearly doze off but once the bell rings, I shock up.

Smirked-face-guy blocks the door way before I can leave." Let me leave." I look down." I'm Harry." he has a strong accent and lots of tatooes. "Sarah." I rudely reply.

"Next you will go to World History." He commands. "but I have algebra next." he stops and pulls me to look at him. "do you think I care!?" he nearly screams.He pretty much drags me there. He sighs. I like this class better than first period already. there is lots of talking going on. Plus, the teacher doesn't even care! I chose to talk to Harry and why he is so interested in me.

"Because." he says

"Why?!" I restate

"Why does it matter so much to you?" he asks

"Ugh...never mind then." I still want to know

"Class, take your homework and leave. Don't worry it's only a review. You should know all of it." he says. I am a little mad he didn't teach us anything and then give us homework.

When Harry leaves I go up to him and ask. "I'm going to P.E. Your a girl, can't take you now." he answers. "I never want to see you half naked anyway."I sarcasticly say. he laughs and then I do too as we leave our opposite ways.

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