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"What the he.ll was that?" Harry ask.

"I..i don't know." I say quietly so no one hears.

"What did you say?!" the chef ask.


"You sure?" our noses are almost touching... ew.

"Yes now leave her alone." Harry replies for me.

"What your mouth tattoos." she barks.

We leave our table as she speaks to is again.

"So y'all aren't gonna pay?!" she asks meanly.

"Oh...how much?" I ask nervously.

"Twenty seven, eighty four." she says.

"I've got this." Harry whispers in my ear.

"Some one pay it or else." she threatens.

I can tell Harry nearly says "or else what" but I hit his arm before he can. When we leave I see others flooding out of the restaurant for safety.

"No one come back!" She yells at everyone.

"S.hit, man, I loved that place!" Harry replies in a laugh.

We get to the cat and Harry opens the door for me.

"Your Majesty." he motions his arm to the car and I bow down.

"Thank you peasant." I laugh and he rolls his eyes.

"It's weird all of that happened and were all over it." I say.

"Huh. Never thought of that."

"The food was still ok though." I state.

"Yeah, wanna go to another place?" he ask.

"As long as no one gets fired." I giggle.

"We might as well not." I add.

"That's true." he replies.

We decide to not go to another place and straight to Harry's instead.

For the first few hours we watch TV.

"This is too boring. Now what?" Harry ask.

"Can I just go, I mean I wanna stay but it's really...weird. I don't wanna hurt your feeling bu-" he cuts me off.

"Well if you wanna stay, then stay. Gad damnit."

"Harry, I'm going to go." I say and leave before he can say anything.

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