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As I open the door I take a deep breath in.

"Hey!" it's Zayn


"I haven't seen you for so long how's it going?"

"Well, good I guess. I mean I made some new friends, passed my first test, got a boyfriend, oh! And I even g-" I am cut off by him. "Hang on, you got a boyfriend in three weeks!?" he sounds more surprised than I thought. "yeah, and guess who it is!" he says a whole bunch of unknown strangers and finally gives up. "None of those, it's Harry!"

"Oh" is all he says.

The doorbell rings again and I am glad. I open the door and pull Laila into a hug. Zayn looks scared almost. I have never seen him scared.

"Laila this is Zayn, Zayn this is Laila." I greet them.

"Hi." he says.

"Hi." she says.

They are boring in the first two hours then we play an embarrassing game. Headbandz! Laila was a ballerina, then I was money, and Zayn was bed. I know it seems cheesy but it was still really funny.

Zayn's POV

She was nice, funny, and pretty. So I asked her out. Of course she said yes I mean I'm hot.

"Your welcome." Sarah says when we pull from a kiss.

"Thank you Sarah." Laila says.

"Wanna come to my place?" I ask Laila.

"Sure!" she answers.

When we get there, I show her around.

"I don't need to see all 100000 of your rooms, I only need four: a bedroom so I can sleep, a kitchen for food, a living room for entertainment, and a bathroom for peeing."

She smiles proudly as I show her her 'four rooms'.

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