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I groan to wake up.


"I love you tater." I say and rub my eyes.

I walk downstairs right into the kitchen and get some Cinnamon Toast Crunch. As I get it Tater follows me almost everywhere. He is so cute. I sit on the couch and turn on the t.v. to the news.

"After three weeks, a man comes out of the hospital from a coma. This is only the second coma in Miami since 1927." I immediately run upstairs to put on my clothes and drive to the hospital.

I run into the lobby to find tons of news reporters. I make my way through all of them to see a curly haired person in the middle.

"Harry!" I yell. He looks to see who called his name but he didn't see me. I get closer to the center. "Harry!" I yell again.

"Sarah!" he hugs me tightly.

"I missed you." I say still hugging him.

"I would say that too but I was on a coma so I can't." I laugh.

"Let's get you home." I say pushing everyone out of the way.

<•>•<•>•<•>•<•>•<•>•<•> {idek it looks cool}

"Home sweet home." Harry says.

"Do you have any medicines you have to take?" i ask.

"Yeah." he hands me two bottles of pills.

"Take them." I hand them back to him.

"Can you please get me a water bottle."

"Yeah here." I hand him the bottle.

"Thank you." he says and takes the pills. As soon as he takes the pills he becomes sleepy.

"Do you want me to get you a blanket so you can sleep here?"

"Yes please."

I walk upstairs to the restroom closet and grab a black blanket. I get back to Harry and tuck him in.

"Hey!" He says playfully. I giggle and loosen it a little.

"I'll be upstairs of you need anything." I hand him a walkie-talkie I found somewhere.

"And I'll be here." he says.


"Ahh!" Harry squeals.

"Oh that's tater." I explain.

"When did you get a cat?" He ask still frightened.

"Yesterday, I got lonely and I didn't know you would come back today so I was like 'why not.' So I got a cat." I say.

"Okay then. I'm gonna go to bed now."

"Okay, good...night? Even though it's one o'clock."

"Yeah." Harry yawns.

Since Harry took the couch and the tv downstairs I go into the movie room. It looks almost exactly like a movie theater but smaller. Of course it would be smaller. I sit on one of the leather couches and turn on the flat screen tv.

"HAHAHAHA!" I hear a loud laugh from downstairs. I walk back downstairs to check up on Harry. Sure enough, he lay in the couch like a baby. I sigh and go to the movie room again. I don't want to watch any thing so I text Lexi.

*lexi I am bored af*

*same* she almost immediately replies.

*wanna go to the pool*

*wait didn't Harry just come back?* she questions.

*yeah why*

*we can throw a party!* I chuckle.


*nooooooo in 10 years.*

*shut up*

*party it is?*

*party* I type slow for the cool effect but she can't see that.

I set my phone down as she text me one more time.



I slowly go downstairs to my car and leave the house. As soon as I close the door, I run to the car and hurry to go. I get there just in time because I see Lexi walking up to the door.

"Lexi!" I yell for her attention.


"We better hurry Harry is only taking a nap." I say.

"Okay let's go."

We pick out a TON of things, go to a bakery for a cake and even cupcakes too. We finish and go back to my house. Lexi and I try really hard to finish before Harry wakes up. Luckily we did.

"Harry wake up." I gently shake him by the shoulders.

"I WANT A KID!" my eyes widen and I jerk my head back at his way of waking up.



"Close your eyes."


"SURPRISE!!!" Lexi and I say together. He laughs and hugs me.

"Thank you." he says to the both of us. "How did you do it?"

"While you were taking a nap." He smiles

"We invited some of your friends." Lexi says.

"Good thing." he says.

"Hey! So you don't want to get drunk with you wife?" I ask with a smirk in my face.

"I do now."

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