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I ask everyone if they know who it is and no one knows

"Who is that?" Harry ask when I show him.

"He said I'll find out later.' i reply. He sighs and turns to me again after rubbing his hands over his face and though his hair. I look innocently at him. He sighs once more and tells me something. I can't focus on him with his beautiful, soft, green eyes. He waves his hand out in my face and i return to the real world. "Hello?!" he nearly screams in my ear. "Wha, what?" i blink rapidly to wake up a little. "i said, can i help you look for him?" he re says. "Oh. Harry, I'm not going to look for him." "yes, yes your are and i will help you." he corrects. "fine Harry." i agree. I hold out my phone and Harry copies the number in the notes. He hugs me and leaves the hospital.

Harry's POV.

I go right to the police after I leave the hospital.

"Hello. What's your situation?" she asks.

"I think my girlfriend is being stalked."


"What? I don't clearly understand."

"Is it through

Internet ,notes, text."

"Through a text."

"Do you have a number?"

"Yeah." I pull up the number.

She goes to a computer and types up the number as I say it aloud.

"Looks like it belongs to a Rachel Mcleen." she says unsure if she said it right.

I think back. At first I don't remember any Rachel's then, I remember. Rachel McLeen, was the first girl I kissed. She was overly obsessed with me and we broke up. I broke all contact with her and haven't speaker to her in years. The main thing I don't understand is how she got Sarah's number and how she knew we were dating.

"Can you tell me how she knew what my girlfriend's number was?" I ask.

"Sorry. That's in their head and not our computers."

I sigh and immediately text Sarah.

*it turns out that person is my ex* I type.

*wich one*

*rachel mcleens. the first one*

*oh ok*

*im on my way back though*

*good I'm alone:(*

I laugh and get back in the car and drive back to the hospital.

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