Chapter 15

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That song is on repeat and I'm crying a lot so this chapter may be shit😭

4 months later(Jens pov)

I sit in the bathroom breathing. My stomach was huge now and I couldn't see my feet anymore. I was wearing and old lady night gown and slippers.

"COLIN CAN YOU FUCKING HURRY" I scream the contractions getting more intense but the second

"I'm trying sweetie" I can feel the eyeroll

"Ok honey" I sit back breathing quicker

He finally comes out with a bag "where's the other one?"

"Oh yea" he runs back and grabs the other pink bag

We leave the house in a rush and jump into the car. I could feel my stomach tightening and my uterus stretching. I try and get comfortable but no position was comfortable anymore. Colin pulls in front of the E.R. Jumping out he grabs a wheel chair and pulls out so I can sit. I jump into the chair and he wheels me into the hospital. I was gripping the slick leather and breathing more intensely than ever. Colin leaves me by the door and a nurse comes and wheels me the rest of the way to our reserved room. I feel a small bit of water leak from my inside me and I look at the nurse.
"Lady see my water just broke" I say trying to turn around
"Ok that's good" she says laughing
"Can I get the fucking epidural" i say blinking
"Yes when we get back to the room and get you checked in and ready" she explains
"Good where's my man?" I ask
"He's coming sweetie" she says

2 hours later

"Ok Jennifer we are gonna need you to push" the doctor says
"Well I kind of assumed just tell me when" I scream
"Ok on the count of three 1......2.....3 push jen hold it you can do it" the doctor says multiple times before the baby is out.

The baby is immediately handed off to the nurse to clean and wrap up in a blanket. Then it's time again we repeat the process. I push multiple times and out pops another baby. I start to cry i didn't know why but the tears just poured from my eyes. My little beans were hear. Finally after 9 months of being fat they are finally here. All the puke and no sleep and hurting and being hormonal and fat was all worth it. To see their faces one of them had very blond hair and fair skin. But the other was dead on Colin a slight tan to her skin and dark brown hair. They were gorgeous. The doctor hands Colin a baby and I the other.

He looks at me his eyes filled with tears to the brim. He doesn't say anything he just looks at me with those big eyes. He hands me our other daughter and leaves the hospital room in a rush. I don't even care though. Whatever he was doing I didn't care.

2 days later

We step out of the hospital holding the two carriers. The flashes around me and screams come from the bunches of people surrounding us. Colin tries to block the light with his hand but it doesn't help. There are to many paparazzi here. Colin holds the car seat steadily and inserts inside the car. We drive away quickly after buckling and turning the radio on a soft level. We arrive at my apartment and bring the kids in. I set the carriers down to unlock the door as I'm unlocking the door I Colin already waiting with the girls in his hands to go inside. When we walk in he hands me the baby who looks like me which we named Juliet rose o'donoghue. The other that looked like Colin we named Avery Lynn o'donoghue. I'm holding the baby when I see a glimmer of an object in her hand. I get it out and there's a note on it. I realise what happening and read it out loud.

"Will you marry me" I say out loud before turning around to see Colin on one knee.

"Jennifer Marie Morrison. At times your a stubborn ass. At times you piss me off. And at times I really just wanna kiss you and make you shut up when your aggravating me but I love you lots and I don't know what I would do without you. So what do you say? Will you marry me?" He says smiling like the geek he is

"Of course Colin of course" I kiss him hard and let the tears fall

Did u guys enjoy and this is mostly a filler chapter so yeah i love you guys gn❤️

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