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Mom and Julian, I mean dad, thought it would be a good idea to spend some girl time with Hilary. Hilary is Emma's little sister. She's a lot like her sister if I have to say anything. Although she is about seven or eight years older than me. She recently started working as a model which I can see why. She gets her looks from her sister.

Hilary has been trying to make me forgot about Jamie who I told her all about. Dad called her yesterday since she also went threw a public breakup that blew up. She had met a boy band singer that left his group, broke up with her and moved to the United Kingdom. It was in the media for a year and a half. The media following her every move, that when she went out her friends would walk in front of her just to make sure the media would get no pictures. The thing that makes it worse is that they had been dating for two years and people speculating marriage.

Hilary told me that she had found the ring in the house they had bought together. It was only a month later that he left the band. Then a week later left her. Packed all his things and moved across the pond and found a new girl. Leaving Hilary with the fallout. When Hilary finally did comment on the breakup he went on his social media and bashed her; claiming that she wanted the attention and that she should shut up.

After that she took a break from the internet. Sold the house and moved into the same neighborhood as the rest of the family. Not to mention after her ex bashed her, the family attached him and since then no one has hears from him, but many speculate that he's planning a revenge album. Hilary said to bring it on, our family has so much influence in our homeland and the United Kingdom that if he goes to far he could lose his dream job.

Hilary has told me that right now it may seem like I wont get over it, but I will. She taught me all about the revenge game. We went out bought some new clothes took pictures with cute boys, well I did. Hilary's boy, that she is talking to, probably wouldn't like that. The gym was next on her list. We spent three hours working out butts off. Sweating like pigs and chugging water like no other.

The only good thing that came from working out was all the calories we got to eat at this cute little family restaurant. They have the best pasta sauce I'm told. As Hilary says, "It's to die for." When I took my first bite my eyes rolled in the back of my head. It was the best pasta I have ever had. I couldn't believe that the pasta was so good. The owner himself came all the from his house just to say hello to Hilary. He's told me that because of her his restaurant has been packed every night for the last couple of years.

He was able to pay for his three sons to go to college. His niece to go abroad her high school trip, and his wife was finally able to get surgery on a birth defect on her face that she has grown up with and has bothered her for her entire life. All this and the couple is only fourth five years old.

After he left to go in the kitchen I started munching on the garlic bread after I finished my plate. The bread is just as good as everything else. "Oh my gosh." Hilary's head whips to face me and she smiles as if nothing has happened.

"What?" I look around the restaurant not noticing anything out of place. The people in the restaurant are taking pictures of us, but they have been doing that ever since we got here.

Hilary shakes her head and stuffs her mouth full of pasta then gulps down her water. "Nothing, do you want more pasta?" Hilary asks as she raises her hand for the waiter.

"I am stuffed no thanks." Looking out the window I jump when Hilary yells at me not to look outside. "Don't tell me not to look, cause now I'm goring to look."

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