24 piece by peice kelly clarkson

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The house is silent. Not a human is moving. Well besides me. Mom and Sage went to the store to pick up the cake. Julian is still laying in bed on this beautiful morning. I've checked up on him a couple times now just to make sure he's still sleeping. He's been working hard lately on his music and people he's planning to make collaborations with.

Slowly opening the door a smile makes its way onto my face. My baby brother Oliver is standing up in his bed. Once his eyes land on me and he giggles. "Sissy!" Picking him up I kiss his chubby cheeks.

"Do you know what day it is?" Walking into his closet I pull out little boy jean shorts and a tiny purple polo shirt. "It's daddies birthday."

I set him down on the changing table in his closet. "Me?"

"No it's daddy's birthday. Your's is coming soon bud." One of the greatest things in life is being their for my little brother. I can love on him as much as I want to. When he gets older he may not let me kiss his chubby cheeks all the time, but for now I'll take advantage.

Oliver wraps his arms around my neck and lays his head in the crook of my shoulder as we head down the stairs to the kitchen. I have to get him fed before mom comes back. Once his milk is fixed I set it down in front of him then start on the food.

"Winger." Turning around I can't help but laugh.

Oliver has a milk mustache that's dripping I'll over his clothes. Well his bib napkin. I've had it happen before when I didn't give him a bib. It's such a waste of clothes and a unnecessary hassle. "You are adorable."

"I'm known to make adorable kids," mom says startling me. She walks in with a bag full of food. Sage, walks in behind her texting away in her phone. "The crew is outside setting everything up. Did you put the headphone on?"

Mom has the soundproof headphones for everyone in the house for when Julian decides to work in the home studio. It's sound proof, but sometimes he likes to work in the kitchen while eating and let's just say hearing him doing the same thing for hours on end gets annoying. "Yeah there on."

We sit in the kitchen eating our breakfast that mom brought in. There's this little café in town that has this really good special cinnamon syrup that is to die for. Ever since we've tried it we've been hooked. Hilary took me there one day and ever since then I can't have enough. The owner, Jennifer, she's a sweet lady and greets us every time we come in.

Just as we finish Landon, Emma, and Hilary make their way into the kitchen. Behind them come in my grandparents Ashely and Daniel Carson. Robby soon later comes in and stands beside Sage and they start talking about who knows what.

"My grand baby I've missed you," grandma rushes over to me and places kisses all over my face. Then does the same to the rest of my siblings. "Katherine where have you been hiding me babies? I barely see them."

Mom explains that everyone's busy. Well besides me. I'm not that busy. I take that back. I've been planning my makeup line. Who knew that makeup planning could be so draining. Fare Beauty has said that if it's a hit like they think it will be then they'll make me a second collection. A collection that we have already started on.

Once we are past all the catching up, we make our way into the master bedroom. Julian has one arm covering his eyes while his other arm lays under the sheets. On the count of three we sing happy birthday; off tune.

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