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Any minute now. I've been staring at it for the whole class period. Shifting my pencil back in forth in my hand waiting for the hand on the clock to hit the five. Other students are on their phones playing games, reading some story on a reading site, or on social media. I would be on my phone right now, but I don't have one.

You see my parents claim that we aren't able to afford a phone for me so I am stuck using other peoples phones. That explains how they bought that new car in the driveway or how they were able to afford the trip to England a couple years back. I get the feeling that my parents never wanted me. How do I know you might wonder; I roam the island without them caring.

As long as you don't get caught mother tells me. I never took her seriously till I got caught for underage drinking. My wonderful parents left me in jail over night. Don't worry while my friends parents picked them up as soon as they got the call, my parents said they would come in the morning. They were sleeping and didn't feel like leaving the house at one in the morning to pick up their seventeen year old daughter.

Glancing up at the clock I see the hand is on the five. "Can I go to the bathroom?" My sixth hour teacher looks up from his book on the desk as if I just said the most horrible thing to him ever.


Getting up out of my seat I walk to his desk leaning over it slightly. "I really have to go." Leaning on his desk even more I knock a couple things off of his desk. "I'm so sorry." Bending down I gather everything and put it back on his desk neatly.

"You better come back quickly Winter; I'm timing you," he tells me.

Putting on my best smile I say thank you and walk out the class ignoring the looks from some of the students. The last time I supposedly went to the bathroom I went in the teachers lounge and bought a soda, and took a bag of freshly popped popcorn. I was a starving child looking for food. I don't know what they think they are feeding us, but it sure isn't food. Everything in the cafeteria is diet food, or it's healthy. A girl just needs her carbs once in a while.

I might have also done some other things I wasn't supposed to do, but we wont get in to that ever since I poured Kool-Aid in the water system stunt I haven't been allowed to leave the classroom without a hall monitor. Luckily for me my teacher seems to be in a bad mood today and has forgotten all about my little pranks.

Taking out my teachers phone I text my boyfriend that I got out of class. After texting him repeatedly and him ignoring me I shove the phone in the back pocket of me shorts. He knows I hate it when he ignores me. I do know the one person that will know where he is.

Turning around I make my way to the metals class room. Walking in the back of the class I make my way to my friends desk; hiding behind the machines so the teacher doesn't see me.

"Hunter," I whisper.

"Hunter," I whisper again over the loud sounds.

Looking around I make my way to his desk hitting him on the head. "Hey," he turns around rubbing his head. "You know your not supposed to be in here." The principle has banned places for me to go and the metals room is one one of the many places I can't go. If it's not on my schedule I am not allowed there.

"I know but where is he?" My boyfriend is supposed to be in this class, but like me he likes to ditch. You could say that's what makes a match.

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