Another day in this hell hole

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Evelyn's POV

"EVELYN! Honey it's time for school" my mom yells at me after I snooze the 5 alarms I have.

"Ugh, I'm up. I'll be down there in a sec" I yell back

I drag myself out of bed and choose something to wear. I go to the bathroom and get a brush to brush out my messy blonde hair. I look in the mirror and give myself the usual morning motivation " don't be awkward goddamnit you can go to school and get through all your periods" I tell myself.

Once I was ready I go down stairs where my mom had made breakfast. Eggs and bacon once again. Hey, I can't blame her it's easy to make and she is a busy woman. I grab a plate and serve myself.

"Where's dad?" I ask my mom, noticing he wasn't home once again.

"He claimed to have a lot of work and couldn't make it home" she replied

"Okay" I reply not even fazed by it because it's what he always says.

I finish breakfast and check the time. I had 15 minutes to get to school so I start walking to school. Once I got there I immediately see Sheri.

"Sheri!" I practically scream at her, noticing how awkward we both got because people started staring.

"Shh, don't attract the attention we don't want" she said in a secretive tone and giggled

After that happened I suddenly remember where I am. Another day in this hell hole. The only reason I still come here is for my friends. Who I am really lucky to have. I somehow managed to get friends. I am a literal awkward human being and I am not really great at socializing.

The warning bell rung, Sheri and I immediately started going to class. We have the same first period.

On our way we see Ruby. Sheri immediately tensed up. I noticed but that's something to ask later.

We get to class and the teacher tells us it's a free day for once. I pull out my phone and open up Instagram. I scroll through my timeline noticing that I really only follow meme pages. What is wrong with me.

I noticed Sheri looking at me like she had something to say but I don't ask. I'll just wait till after school.

A/n haha that was the first thing I ever written on here.

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