Adam and steve??

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Brian's pov

I'm walking home from school with Lillian, we live near each other so always walk home.

"So have you found interest in anyone"she asks out of the blue.

"Um maybe" I reply

"No way! Who is she?" She exclaims

"Um she is in my 5th period and her name is Lucy " I reply feeling nervous cause Lillian is literally the first person I have told.

"Hmmm rad" She says enthusiastic

"Yeah why do you ask?" I say my voice soft. My voice gets soft when I really don't want to talk about something.

"Because whenever I turn I see you staring at Lucas during 3rd period" she says. Why would I do that? God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. My parents raised me right.

"Nah, why would I do that? That's not right at all. I have to go this is my stop. Bye see you Monday" I say stopping in front of my house hugging her bye.

I walk to my house and see my mom peeping through the window. She was obviously trying to see if I had some interest in Lillian.

"Hey, Mum what you looking at?" I ask

"That girl I see you walking with everyday. Do you like her?" She says hopeful.

"No Mum we're just friends." I say and walk up the stairs to my room.

I go onto my bed and get on my phone seeing that Lucy posted. I immediately like it and comment saying she looks great.

"Brian dinner is ready!" I here my mum call from down stairs. I walk down stairs and sit and the dinner table.

"You guys I don't know what to do."I tell my mom.

"What is it sweetie" my mum replied putting my dad's and I's plates in front of us

"My friend recently told me she is bisexual and I she is such a good friend and I still want to be her friend but I don't know what to do about it" I say worried about what they would reply.

"Don't be friends with her she is just mentally along with the rest of the F*gs" my dad replies

"What you're father said is true. If you are still her friend you are sinning." My mum agrees with my dad

"So I just stop talking to her?" I ask.

"Yes" they reply in unison.


From: Lillian
Brian I know you're parents are huge homophobes but you don't have to be

To: Lillian
But if I want to go to heaven and not hell I will not support that mental illness I'm sorry.

From: Lillian
Stop acting stupid Brian I know you aren't like that. I honestly always see you staring at Lucas you can't Deny it.

To: Lillian
Idk what you mean. I hate to say it but but I will not support the f*gs

From: Lillian
That's it that word I can't stand.
Don't talk to me Brian if I see you near me I will hit you

To: Lillian
I don't plan on being seen with sinners

Ugh, how dare she try to tell me what to feel. I'm a straight male who will be loyal and save myself till marriage. I will not give and go to hell. I may act like a angsty teen but I do manage to care for myself.


I walk to my 3rd period and sit as far away from Lillian and Sheri as I can. I do feel a little bit bad but it's for the best.

"Okay class today I will pair you up and you will have to do your projects from home and on your own time." Our teacher announces. He starts pairing people up and they start to work.

"Brian and Lucas" he announces I start feeling nervous not knowing why. He was just another guy and we would be good friends (A/n (; hehe)

I walk towards him and sit next to him. He was smiling at me and it made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey, I'm Lucas and I know who you are Brian" he says. He winks at me and I feel myself blush. Why the fuck am I blushing.

"Hello, so who's house should we go to" i ask trying to forget that moment passed.

"I mean we can go to mine. Nobody will be bothering us except for my mom" Lucas said.

"Okay" I say smiling for some reason I'm excited and can't wait to go to his house.

A/n Brian your gay, surprise!!! Sorry for the lack of other characters just doing my job I was given ( yes I'm being shady) -b

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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