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Sarah POV

"Bye Steven!" I wave goodbye at him as he walks out of class.

I walk out the door and see Steven, Evan, and Logan walking together and sigh. Evan's so perfect. I walk to class slowly and let my head fill with scenarios of Evan and I.

I liked Evan, a lot. He's so perfect, and sweet and just, how could someone not fall for him? It's such a shame though, someone as perfect as him would never lay their eyes on me. I'm just...me.

Finally I arrive to class and head to sit in my seat and let my thoughts wander off and think about all the possibilities.

I was way into thought that I didn't notice Brian take a seat next to me. However, my thoughts were interrupted by him waving his hand in my face.

"Helloooooo? Anybody homeeee? Did the blue dye get to your brain?" He laughed and I quickly sapped out of my thoughts.

"Ohhh hey Brian! Didn't see you there."

"Yeah I can tell" he laughed more

"Oh pfssss well excuse me Mr Davies at least I have enough imagination to daydream" I scoff and we both laugh once again.

45 minutes of hell passed by and finally it was time for break. I walked out of class and waited at the door for Brian.

"Finallyyyy you took legit hours."

"Sorry I was actually taking notes unlike some peopleeee" he teased

We both walked to out groups table. I took a seat next to Lillian and Brian, who was sitting next to Evan.

"Hey Sarah!" I hear Evan say with a smile on his face. I instantly feel my face heating. God dammit Sarah nows not the time to blush say hi back doofus.

I smiled back at him "Hey there!"

"Brian hello excuse me your on our way I'd like to talk to Sarah"

"Excuse meeee. Fine I'll move but only so you can..." I see Brian lean in close to Evan and see Evan blush a little and hit Brian and they both burst out laughing. I smile at them both as they switch spots.

"Anyways as I was saying, how are you Sarah?" He asks.

"G-good" dammit I thought but asked anyways, "you?

I usually wasn't up for all of this love dovey crap...like ever. I don't know what it is about Evan but every time I see him I literally melt and feel my heart race at 83810491 mph. Whenever I'm around him I can't help but to turn into a mess and into well, not me.

Evan and I talk the remaining time of our break and the others teasing us here and there. I walked to class with Brian and Lillian and headed to out next class.


This is shitty and messy and all over the place but here ya go

~ G

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