Spill the tea

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Evelyn's POV

It's after school and I rush to find Sheri. I'm making her come over today so we can talk because I'm sure that she has things to tell me. I walk out to the front of the school and spot her.

"Sheri, your coming to my house." I tell her.

"Okay, let's go I have to tell you" she says.

She drives us to my house since she drives to school and she couldn't leave her car there. Once we got home I noticed my mom and dad aren't home so I quickly make popcorn and go to my room where Sheri was waiting.

"Okay girl, spill the tea." I say while sitting criss cross on my bed.

"Ummm... I'm gay." She tells me hearing her voice crack.

"Awww you finally came out! I'm so happy for you. Just know I'm supportive of you." I reply happy she can trust me and tell me this.

"Um that's not all. I... I like Ruby" she tells me. When I say I was shocked I really was but I was more happy for her to say this knowing she has accepted it herself.

"Oh my god...... OTP I SHIP IT SO HARD" I scream. I was so happy for her.

"Thank you for listening. You're the only person that knows so please don't say anything." She say looking at me dead in the eye.

"Don't worry I won't" I say. It's stay quiet for a while to soak up what just had happened. Then all of sudden we both look up and start laughing.

"I can't believe I just told you. It was nice to tell someone" Sheri Says honestly relieved.

"Don't worry it'll be our secret till you think it's time for everyone to know" I assure her.

"Thank you" she smiles

"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back" Sheri say walking out the room.

BBBBZZZZZ my phone goes of seeing I had a text from Ruby. I smile knowing what know I can't wait to see what happens.

From: Ruby
Hey Evelyn, I need to tell you something but please please don't tell anyone

To: Ruby
Hi! You can trust me, what is it?

From: Ruby
Um... I'm bisexual and um... I'm crushing hard.

Before I could answer I see Sheri walk in. I put my phone down making sure she didn't see.

"Umm hey I think I'm gonna go home I need to make dinner for Nonna and I" Sheri tells me before grabbing her keys.

"Okay, byeeee. Get home safely. Text meee." I tell her walking her to the door.

"Byeeee" she says before driving away.

I soon as I close the door I run to my room and grab my phone replying to Ruby

To: Ruby
Aww that's great! It's good that you released that and don't worry I wouldn't judge you at all. Whose your crush

From: Ruby
Thank you so much and it's some guy from my first period.

To: Ruby
Why didn't you tell Sheri? You guys are really close

From: Ruby
I wanted to but lately I've been getting nervous around her and I don't know why.

To: Ruby
Um, is it possible that you might like her too?

From: Ruby
What? No way.

Okay so all I got from that conversation was that Ruby is bisexual and that Sheri might have a chance. Key word is might because of the guy from Ruby's first period. Who knows what will happen.

I get bored so I start playing Harry styles' album. What a legend, right. I start thinking how I'm still alone while my friends are living in a love triangle.
Well at least I have music.

I soon hear the door shut. I go down stairs and see it's my dad. Which takes me by surprise cause I rarely even see him anymore.

"Dad!!" I yell going to hug him

"Hi sweety, how've you been" he asked

"I've been great, how about you?" I ask him back.

"Um, well your mother and I have some news." He say in a Sad tone

That's when I somehow knew what was to come and I never wanted this day to come but it has too.

A/n I'm somewhat happy with this chapter.- B

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