Ink Bendy x Child reader (PART 2)

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(I've got a few requests for this.. so.. why not? Also, this is a part two for ink Bendy x infant reader! Your 6 years old)

           You were wondering around the studio. You were looking for something to do. Alice was singing and boris was making music as she sung. So, they couldn't play with you. And.. your father..? You couldn't find him, anywhere! You heard a loud crash, which made you jump. You were frightened by the sudden noise and started running. You ran into a person, you had never seen another human before. He held an axe, you tripped over him. You screamed. You fell at his feet. "Wha-..? A child..?" He thought out loud. He then picked you up. "What's your name..?" He asked. "(Y/n).." you replied.
        He smiles warmly. "My name is Henry, nice to meet you." You smiled back, awkwardly. "Why are you here?" He asked. You blinked in confusion. "I live here, with my father, Bendy." You said. Henry looked shocked and he dropped you. You fell to the ground and yelped in pain. You saw a figure standing behind Henry. It had knocked him out. You screamed in terror. "I see we have our savior ' s daughter here too.." He said in a raspy and unpleasant voice. He then picked you up by the collar of your shirt and dragged you both to a room.
         You learned his name was Sammy. He tied up Henry, and was trying to summon your father. He did his chant (I don't know the words, word for word ;v;) Your father apeared. Dripping ink, with a rather angry expression. "My lord! Your here!" Sammy cheered. "I've got a sheep for you!" He said, referring to Henry. "Shut your trap, Sammy!" Your father growled as he lunged at the man. Killing him... Your eyes were wide in fear. You heard running from where Henry was. You father scooped you up and ran after the noise. You clung to his ink soaked body. Fresh ink stained your clothes.
       Henry ended up escaping your father. Bendy set you down and kneeled down to your level. "Neither of them.... hurt you.. did they...?" He asked. You shook your head no. "Sammy just really scared me..." you admitted. "Henry was really nice though..." you added. Bendy hugged you tight. Well, Sammy can't hurt you anymore." He told you, stroking your hair with his hand. "Thank you dad.." you said. "Your welcome." He replied.

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