Sammy x Suicidal Reader

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     You and Sammy have been together for quite awhile now. Probably a few months. Though, you've  had depression even longer. It gets worse and worse everyday.. until you're not depressed anymore. You're suicidal...
      You and Sammy were sitting on the couch, he had his arm wrapped around you. You were looking down at your lap. "I'm going to go get something.. I'll be back later Sammy." You said. "Okay, bye (Y/n)." He kissed your cheek. Then you got up. Got a hoodie on and walked out the door.
     While you walked, you rolled up your sleeve, revealing your old scars, mew scars, old cuts, fresh cuts.. you stared at them p, emotionlessly, the new cuts still stung. You always wore long sleeves the cover them up. Sammy would flip out if he knew about them.. you were scared of that..
    You walked into your local (store) and went to the medicine aisle. You grabbed a little bottle of pills. You then walked to the register, and bought them. You stuffed them in your pocket. You walked till you got home. You walked in.
    "Hello (Y/n)!" Sammy greeted happily. "Hey." You replied, emotionlessly. You walked passed him and into the bathroom. You locked the door behind you. You took out the bottle of pills and set them on the sink. You grabbed your razor, and rolled up your sleeves. Tears stung in your eyes, and felt hot as they fell. "I'm sorry Sammy...." you mummbled.
      You cut your wrist, making slits, which bled without a care. You were sobbing at this point. "You're the only thing right about this broken world.." you sobbed quietly. (GET IT?!?!) Sammy heard you sobbing, and went over to the door. "(Y/n)..?" Sammy called from the other side of the door. You didn't reply.
     You dropped your raiser on the ground, and grabbed the bottle of pills. You got in the bathtub and layed on your back. You opened the bottle. Sammy heard the bottle open. "(Y/N)?!" He yelled. You didn't anser. Sammy kicked at the door trying to open it. "(Y/N)!! STOP!!" He yelled, as he broke down the door. He noticed the bloody razor on the floor.
    You put nearly all the pills in your moulth. Sammy turned and saw you. He rushed to you and grabbed you by the shoulders. "SPIT THOSE OUT!! NOW!!" He yelled. He shook you. It was too late, you swallowed. Inky tears fell from his cheeks. "! NO!!" Sammy yelled. You smiled and kissed Sammy on the lips for a moment. "I love you Sammy.. I'm sorry for this.." you said before passing out, only to never wake up.

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