Yandere Bendy x Child Reader

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    Your dad had taken you to an animation studio. But, it wasn't just ANY aniamtion studio! It was the one that produced your favorite cartoon!!featuring bendy, boris, and Alice! You watched it 24/7! Now your seeing where it was made! How fun. You hold onto your dad's hand as he started talking to man named Joey. You glanced around the room to see a figure looking at you then quickly turn the corner.
    Suddenly, you let go of your dad's hand and ran to where you saw it. you were to fast, and your dad didn't see where you went. "(Y/n)?!?" He called out many times. You saw the shadowy figure go into the closet. You went in, and you stepped it something. You looked down, but you couldn't see anything. Then, all of a sudden. BAM!! you were knocked out cold..

~when you wake up~
      Your eyes slowly opened. You couldn't move, and something was wrapped around you. Ropes.. you were tied up. In the closet. You heard screaming, they sounded like your dad.. and more.. you tried to scream. But your mouth was taped shut. You made muffled screams, in hope that someone would hear you.. and someone did. The door opened.
    You saw a girl, she looked like.... Alice Angel! "Oh.. you poor thing!" She said as she untied you and picked you up. "Who did this..?" She asked. "I don't know." You replied. "Okay dear.. don't worry, what's your name?" She asked. "(Y/n).." you told her. She nodded and walked out of the closet and to a room. Where you saw boris.
     "Golly! A child?" He asked either excitement. "Mhm! Her name is (Y/n)!" Alice cheered. boris then ran over to you guys and took you right out of alice's arms. "Aw!! She's so tiny! I just wanna hug her and squeeze her!!" He cheered as he hugged you tight, making your ribs hurt. Alice giggled. Then, the door swung open. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO WITH HER?!" a dark voice yelled. Alice and boris looked at the figure in the door.
    Bendy.. "oh! Hello Bendy! I heard screaming, and found this girl in the closet, all tied up! I had to help her!" Alice told him. Boris nodded. Bendy was dripping with ink, and he looked angry. "YOU IDIOT!!! I DID THAT TO HER!!!!" Bendy yelled at Alice. (Gore incoming) Bendy then grabbed Alice by the neck, and slammed her against the wall repeatedly. You clung onto boris and started crying. Ink spilled from Alice's moulth from the impact.
         Alice screamed as bendy began punching her brutally. Alice was dead.. Boris looked frightened and ran with you. You sobbed I to his chest. He ran into a closet. He held you close. You cried and cried. Boris stroked your hair, and told you it would be okay.. but what you didn't know.. what that it wasn't okay... You knew bendy had killed your father now.. he had the blood on him..
    The door opened. You were snatched from Boris and thrown behind the person that threw you. "B-bendy!" Boris screamed. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY, FOR TRYING TO TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" Bendy yelled as he knocked Boris out. He grabbed Boris ' s arm and threw you over his shoulder.
     Now, Bendy had strapped boris to a table.. he disected him.. leaving him dead.. when he was finished.. he went over to you. He picked you up, gently this time. He hugged you with one arm and stroked your hair with the other. "I'll never let anyone get between us♡" He told you. "You'll learn to love me, as I love you~" He cooed. You doubted that. "You'll never leave.. cause your mine now...  forever..."

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