Sammy x Abused Reader

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You had been abused.. for so long... it hurt.. so bad..  you wish someone would help you. Everyday was a struggle, like drowning, but never dying. You had enough it, you need to run away. And nothing way going to stop you. You were either going to escape your pain, or.. die trying..
    You didn't bother packing anything, anything would remind you of this torture. As soon  as you got the chance, you ran. You ran down the streets, down the alleys, through the yards, until you found a building.. which looked abandoned.. perfect...
     You pushed the door open, and walked in. The smell of rotting ink made you gag. Ew.... you'll get used to it. You walked through the building. You found some bacon soup lying around. "Well, I won't die of starvation.." then, you listened to a tape. At the end it said... "can I get an amen..?" The voice sent chills down your spine. Then, you heard it again.. you jumped, screamed, and ran. Only to be grabbed from behind.
    Someone had their arms around your waist. CREEPY MUCH?! You screamed again. The arms were strongly locked around your waist. "Hello stranger~" the, what you could tell was a man, purred. "Wh - who are you?" You asked "Sammy Lawrence~" "I-im (y/n).. can you please let go of me?" You asked. "No." He stated picking you up. You ended up sleeping next to him, very uncomfortably.

~the next morning~

     You woke up to a yelp of suprise. "Who are you?!" Sammy yelled. "(Y/n).. we met last night. And you ,are de me sleep next to you.." you mummbled. Samy blushed. "O-oh, sorry, I was drunk, I don't usually act like that.." He told you. "It's okay." You said.  He noticed you had scars, cuts, and bruises all  over your arms. "(Y/n)..? Ate those cuts on your arms..?" He asked. "Oh.... yeah...... but.. I didn't make them..." you admitted. "My parents did.." you said, tears forming in your eyes, threatening to fall.  Then, Sammy hugged you tight. "You'll stay here... I'll protect you..." Sammy told you.

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