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Slash's POV

"Like this?" Steven pulled out a Stephen King book from his cat pattern satchel. I laughed.

"No, no. Less, uh, horrifying?" I give the boy a amused look, sipping from the white china cup full of coffee. It burnt my lips.

"Ohhhhh, like this!" He pulled out a Fear Street book from R.L Stine.

"Nope. I'm talking like this." I smirk, wiping out the book Carry On by Rainbow Rowell from my sky blue book bag.

"You guys are serious nerds, you know that?" One of my friends, who also happened to run this small coffee shop, snorted, cleaning out an empty pot of coffee.

"Nerd is a harsh word, Nikki." Steven frowned, glaring at the long haired man hard at work behind the counter of the coffee stand. "I prefer geek."

"He has a point." I butt into the conversation, raising an eyebrow at Nikki. "There's a difference."

"Oh, yes?" Nikki raises an eyebrow back at me, pretending to be interested and shocked. He always mocked us, but it was okay because we did it right back to him. 

"Yup!" Steven chirped, tapping a random, soft beat on his Stephen King book. "A nerd is someone who is a know-it-all and is smart. A geek is someone who is interested in things like books or comics, stuff like that."

"So you're calling yourself dumb."

"I-No! No-I'm saying-" Steven tried to protest, but seemed at a loss for words.

"What are you saying, Adler?" I giggle at a flabbergasted Steven. He groaned, placing his head rather harshly into his arms on the oak table.

This was pretty much my day everyday.

I would come here all the time after working at the bookstore/record store across the street, then I would come here and drink a coffee that was pretty much mainly creamer and sugars. Steven Adler, my best friend, would come here occasionally and we would talk about books.

We had a seat in the right hand corner next to the window, but because the coffee shop was so small, we could still talk to Nikki Sixx, another one of my friends who is an asshole sometimes, but we love him. It was perfect. 

"So, Nikki, did that Tommy boy come here this morning like he promised?" Steven switched the the topic and pointed the spotlight onto the tattooed worker. Nikki froze, almost dropping the cup he was cleaning.

He set the cup in the sink, wiping his hands on a brown towel and calmly leaned against the counter on his elbows, shrugging.

"Yeah, he did. Not a big deal." Nikki blushed madly, but still tried to play it cool.

"YES! HE LIKES YOU!" Steven stood up, slamming his hands on the table and dropping his book with a thump. I jump in shock, not expecting the sudden outburst of energy.

"Y-You don't know that." Nikki bit his lip, trying to hide his smile, playing with a white thread from his button up, complemented with a black apron decorated with the shop's logo on it.

"I mean," I take another sip of my coffee, the warm liquid sliding down my throat in a comforting manner. "He did wink when he left the shop yesterday. And he left you a generous tip. He likes you, Nikk-Knock."

"Don't call me that, Slasher." Nikki barred his teeth, ruffling his scruffy black hair with a large hand. 

"Don't ruffle your hair and show your teeth. You look like a old dog with fleas." Steven snorted, packing his stuff in his cat bag. 

"Shut up, Popcorn. I do what I want."

"Well, I gotta go." Steven sighed, grabbing his stuff and pushing his chair in. "See you guys later! Good luck with Tommy." He winked, then walked out the door with a skip in his step. That guy was always cheerful, like an excited puppy.

"Ugh." Sixx groaned, shaking his head and putting his hands to his blushing cheeks as if trying to get rid of the pinkness.

"What did you talk about?" I converse, grabbing my stuff and moving to the bar to have a one on one conversation since Steven was gone.

"I dunno, stuff." Nikki traced little patterns on the polished countertop, staring at it with a dreamy expression on his face. "He gave me his phone number, though."

My jaw dropped.

"You didn't tell us that! Aw, Nikk, that's awesome!" I grin, finishing up the last of my coffee and handing it to the lovestruck man. "What are you gonna do? Call him up and ask him to come over to your house or something?"

"Slash, you don't do that." Nikki snorted, rolling his eyes, grabbing my empty cup and getting back to work at washing dirtied dishes. 

"What do you do then?" I cock my head to the side.

"You don't know anything about love, do you?" Sixx cackled and I frowned. "When was the last time you dated, hmm?"

"Uhh," I squint my eyes a little, looking off into the distance to remember. I couldn't. 

"Exactly. You can't." Nikki smirked as if he read my mind. "You're rusty, bud. You need to get back out there."

"Sixx, I'm only 24, I don't need to date now." I whine. I never really bothered dating because a lover would just get in the way. All I want to do is read without any interruptions and do what I want. 

"Hun, this is exactly why you need someone. You don't wanna be old and be a crazy cat man, do you?"

"Actually, that sounds fine-"

"No!" Nikki slammed his hands on the brown table, smirking and scaring the shit out of me. "If God put me into your life to make sure you don't become a cat hermit when you get older, then hell, that's what I'm gonna do."

"Oh, come on, Nikki." I complain throwing my head back and stomping my foot like a pubescent teenager. 

"Tomorrow, I'm throwing a party and you better damn mingle like the single pringle you are, Saul." Nikki was grinning, proud at his new plan of action. 

"Fine, only if you promise not to call me Saul ever again, got it Sixx?"

"Deal, Saul."



Hey babes! You requested my coffee shop Slaxl oneshot be turned into a full fic, so here you go!

I'm actually quite excited for this. There might be smut, but I really think it's gonna be mainly fluff, but if there is I'll warn you all ahead of time.

Because I am starting this means I might take longer to update on my Guns N Roses oneshot book, but because you all wanted this so bad, I'm sure you won't mind.

I love you all sooooo much!



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