Don't Hurt Me..

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It was around midnight and Crystal had given up with staying away from Emily.
She grabbed a glass of orange juice and crawled upstairs and peeped her head round the corner of the door.
She seen Emily's shadow against the wall that was caused by the bathroom light.
She was sitting on the bathroom floor head resting against the doorway.

Crystal flinched to the sound of the front door creaking open.
She gulped as she sneaked behind the table as Chris tiredly headed upstairs.

-Crystal's POV-

He sighed about to open the bedroom door when he looked over at me?
"C-Christa? What are you?- have you been in Emily's room?!" He raised his voice.
"I-I was worried and-
"No, what did I tell you not to do this morning?"
"Where did I tell you not to go crystal?!" He said really annoyed.
"I wanted to see if she was okay" I said scared.
"She doesn't want you seeing her when she's like this! I told you and you promised to not go and you broke it" he shook his head,
"What's the big deal I don't understand!" I yelled back.
"Exactly okay, your too young to understand, did you see her anyways?" He lowered his voice.
"You can tell your lying."
"You lied too!"
"You lied about going to work! You lie all the time to keep away from me!" I screamed
"I'll deal with you later," he entered her room.
I headed to the kitchen grabbing some matches.
I ran out into the back garden and climbed the tree to the treehouse.
Lighting a candle as I sadly watched the flame.

-Chris's POV-

I kneeled to Emily and placed my hand on her cold cheek.
"how are you feeling?"
"Just need time" she nodded holding back the tears.
"I tried to keep Christa away I know you didn't what her seeing you-
"You didn't have to yell" she said sternly.
"God I'm such an asshole,"
"I know you don't mean to, I know why, I know work stresses you but you gotta remember she doesn't" she said tiredly.
"I'll talk to her, we'll work it out, have you ate anything today?"
"Just the breakfast you left me, I've been throwing up a lot"
"Do you want a bath?"
"Yeah, babe that would be nice" she smiled weakly.
I smiled and ran her a bath,
She lay back into the tub and signed in relief.
"I'll leave you to it Em, I'll go talk to Christa"
"Tell her I love her,"
"Will do"

I left and searched the house for my daughter to notice a light coming from the garden.
I chuckled and grabbed some marshmallows.
I knew exactly what she was doing because I did the exact same when I was a child.
I climbed the tree to see her curled up sadly staring at the flames.
I sat across from her.
"You know, you can't camp in here without marshmallows right?" I smiled handing her one on a stick.
She hesitated and took it from me holding it over the flame.
"I used to do this you know, when I was younger" I tried to lighten the mood.
She nodded shyly not being able to look at me.
When she did look me in the eyes she would blink like she was scared.
I noticed tears had stained her cheeks which reflected from the flames.
"Darling have you been crying?"
She looked down at her feet.
"Baby look me, did I make you cry?"
She bit her lip as a tear slipped down her cheek.
"Aww no, no honey come here" I said softly shuffling round sitting next to her.
I brung her close as she cried in my shirt,
She squeaked and cried.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry," I rubbed her little back.
"I- th-thought you were gonna hit me" she whimpered
"Y-you did?"
"I'm sorry for yelling at you I got scared and defensive"
"No, no I'm sorry for yelling, I get stressed with work and I take it out on my girls. Whatever I say it doesn't mean anything Christa"
"I'm sorry" she sniffled.
"Listen my darling I would never hit you or hurt you okay? No matter what alright? Don't think like that" I kissed her forehead,
"Okay" she nodded,
"You shaking like crazy Christa" I said sadly.
"I know, it's okay, I'll b-be okay"
I leaned back and yawned.
She yawned also.
"You want me to put you to bed?"
"Mmhmm" she began to drift off alseep.
I picked her up and took her back inside.
I lay next to her and tucked her hair behind her ear, placing my hand on her soft cheek.
"Who could ever hit you" I whispered to myself,
I then fell into a much needed deep sleep.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I am getting more motivated and inspired to write these chapters.
I hope you see a small difference.
Comment what you think
I love you guys

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