Chapter six:

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I lay on Chase's chest as he rubs his hand down my back in a soothing motion. I trace the defined muscles on his arms. This man is perfection. I know it's wrong to be here with him naked under the covers in his room but it feels so god.

I here my phone going off and groan. I roll off of Chase to pick it up. It's Anna.

"Hello." I answer in a weak voice.

"Were you sleeping?" She ask in a annoyed voice.

"Something like that." I say looking at Chase who was nakedly walking into his bathroom.

"Well did you forget that you had to go in for school today. I've been covering for you Principal Hack has been asking for you. I told him you were on your period and had really bad cramps and that you were going to come in a little later. It's later. Get your ass here" with that the call is ended. I through my head back down and Chase stumbles out the bathroom this time with pants on. I sit up strait and cover myself with his sheet. I push my hair back as he finds a red tee shirt to put on.

"You can't tell anyone about this." I say my voice coming out weak.

He continues doing what he was doing before saying " I didn't plan on it."

I should be happy right because he wasn't going to say anything but I'm slightly confused by his statement. Why, I don't know why. "What does that mean."

"I mean it was nothing it was just sex. I have sex, people know that why do they need to know who with. It was fun but it was just sex." He says nonchalantly without looking at me. I nod to myself.

"Good to know." I say without any emotion. I pick up my clothes and get dressed then I grabbed my bag from my room. I tried to shove Chase and his bull shit out of my head but I couldn't. How could I be so dumb, to think that it was more than just sex. He played me again. It hurts. He was my first kiss, my first time, but now another disappointment. I'm just another notch on his belt. I suddenly felt like Taylor Swift and played 'I Knew You Were Trouble' as I drove to school.

I texted Anna to let her know that I'm here. I headed to class without stoping to the front desk for a tardy slip. The principal already knows I'm late so if the teachers want to know they can just ask him.

I slip into the class as all heads turn to me, there is an awkward science before the teachers, Mrs. Deli cleared her throat.

"Please take a seat Miss Carter." I cringe at the sound of being called by a last name that isn't mine. I sit in the only open seat available.

"Do you have a pass Miss Carter?" She asked as I knew she would.

"No and can you stop calling me 'Miss Carter' that's not my name. My name is Ava, it said that on the paper." I murmur.

"This is my class Miss Carter, you will respect that or leave." I take a deep breath. Oh how I would love to lay into her right now but I'm trying to keep a low profile. I shrink in my seat but only because everyone is staring at me. Mrs.Deli goes on with her boring lesson while I get stared at by my classmates. The guys all state at my chest and whisper to other guys and the girls just look disgusted all together. They whisper to the other girls in the class as well. When would they get over the fact that they like the rest of the world have seen my breast. Like get over it already.

I rush out off class when I hear the bell ring. I walk with my head down to my next class then a huge body falls on top of me. Ouch. I say to my self trying to get up. I started to shake a little because I really didn't want to have a big blow out with anyone. I look up at the person who crushed me and sigh in relief when I see Zach.

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