Chapter nine:

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I know it's a long coming

I'm going to start doing more POV's with all of the characters!

Hopefully that will make the story better!

Thanks for reading❤️!


Chase's POV

I want to pick her up and hold her but I can't.

She's sleeping so beautifully, it makes me want to kiss her.

I love the way her face looks so peaceful under the light of the moon.

I wish I didn't have these feelings for but I do and it's to hard to ignore.

I know I've hurt her and it kills me every time I see the pained look on her face.

It's just that I've never felt this way about anyone before and it scares the hell out of me and if anyone found out my reputation would be over.

She makes me not want to care about my reputation, I only want to care about her.

I know that I was her first and that makes me happy but then again I feel like shit 'cause I've been such a dick to her.

The sex was great better than Ashley for sure, she might've been the best I've ever had.

It makes my skin tickle just thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about her it's crazy even when I'm with other girls it's her that I'm thinking about.

If she even knew how crazy she drives me. Every time she looks at me with those innocent gray eyes and when she bites her bottom lip every time she's thinking or uncomfortable.

I hear footsteps coming behind me I look up and it's Danny and he has an all to knowing look on his face.

Danny told me that Ava told him about us hooking up and now he keeps making theses hints about how I should ask her out.

He also says that it would be a good chick flick 'Banging My Step Sister.' That earned him a slap in the back of the head.

"Are you stalking her now." He laughs. He takes a seat next to me on the grass.

"Shut up." I say in low strong voice so he knows I'm serious.


He changes the subject and we start talking about the usual, sports. Then in mid sentence Danny stops because we hear small cries coming from Ava.

I hop up so does Danny and we both rush over to her. Her face is blue and there are tears coming out of her closed eyes, she's having a nightmare.

Danny curses under his breath and shakes her up. Her eyes fling open and Danny pulls her into his arms.

Is it bad that I feel so jealous right now. I wish I was the one who could be holding her making her feel better.

"Danny it's like I was there again. He wasn't breathing and his eyes were looking at me but he was dead. He's dead, Danny." She cries.

I feel my heart break for her. I know what she's talking about because I read the letters she sent to her grandpa. I know I shouldn't have but I did and it made her hate me just like I wanted.

She saw her grandpa die when she was younger and she says it haunts her to this day. She started having nightmares and waking up sweating everyday after he died.

Then they stopped one day, I guess they are back now.

"It's only a dream Ava. He's okay now. He's okay. You're okay. Everything's okay." He whispers soothingly into her ear. She stops crying and he stands up with her in his arms.

"I'll take her home." I tell Danny. He looks at her and she nods.

He carries her to my car and puts her in the seat, buckles her up, then closes the door, but not before he kisses her on the forehead.

It really pisses me the hell off.

He knows that she's mine.

Wait what?

Fuck. I got it bad, he's just doing that to piss me off by proving a point.

He wants me to see how much I really like her.

I already know how much I like her. I don't even think it's like anymore.

We pull up into the driveway and I carry her inside. She places her head on my shoulder and my heart races at the touch.

She so light. She looks up at me with a look that has so much meaning to it yet I can't find one.

The look goes away and a pain filled one replaces it and her body tenses. She thinks I'm messing with her again.

It hurts to see the pain on her face like that.

To know I've caused her so much pain to save my self makes me want to kick my own ass.

I set her down once we get to her room. I sit down on her bed not yet wanting to leave her.

She start undressing and I can't help but watch. She's perfect in every way possible.

After she's dressed in sweat pants and a baggy t shirt she studies me.

I don't know what she's thinking but I know it isn't good because her brow is furrowed.





Thank you for reading my story!

Hope you liked reading Chase's POV I had fun writing it!

Keep reading PLEASE❤️!

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