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Major Information! PLEASE READ! 

Hi guys! 

How are you? I feel like I never update anymore and I feel so bad for that. I've been so so so busy with school and sports and just life in general. But I haven't forgotten about ya'll.

I've recently deleted four of my stories (The Choices We Make, Feel You Forget Me, More Than A Band, and Nightingale). I've lost all inspiration to write them and they were very cliche. I'm so so sorry. I don't want any of you to hate me or stop reading because of this. 

But, I have some new ideas. 

I'm so excited to be writing with brand new ideas and people's just going to be amazing. <3 

Also, I've decided to try a writing schedule. The key word is try. If you're some of my old readers, you'll know that I've never been good with schedules or times or whatever. I'm trying to write as often as I can. 

Question- Would you guys rather have more chapters and have them be shorter or fewer chapters and have them be longer? I'd really appreciate the feedback. 

my new book, diner, is out now. i need three votes and two comments before I can update this. sorry loves, need some feedback on both stories. 

That's it.. Thank you for reading this all and I would love love love the feedback and comments about my new ideas. I'm going to be updating I'm Alright sometime in the next week or two. Please don't give up on this book. I love ya'll so much. <3 xxx

i'm alright | haylor |Where stories live. Discover now