The Announcement

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It all start on a day Leo was walking through town. He stopped as he heard a announcement. He walked to the stage to listen. A time master, who was a loyal friend to Princess Karai made the Announcement through a speaker phone. "The Princess was captured by the Monster named Shredder. We need a knight to save her. Who ever can find the sword and the shield is the knight who can save her from the Monster. It starts today. Who is brave enough to save her." The crowd stood silent. Leo walked towards Renet. "I can save her." The crowd gasped. "I'm really brave and willing to save the princess." Leo spoke as he came on stage. "Hmmm. You sure do look strong. Ok. Here's the map to get the shield, sword, and the princess. You will also need to look like a knight. Guards, bring this kind gentleman a knight suit." They guards brings Leo a cape and a helmet. He puts the cape and helmet on. "So.. How do I look?" He looked at Renet. "Good luck brave knight." Leo took the things Renet gave him and walked off stage. The crowd made a way for him to walk. He stopped as he walked out of the crowd. "So.. The sword is first. How do we get there?" The map was not just and ordinary map, it was a magical one. "I can help you." The map started to float in the air as Leo watched. "Whoa! Y..You talk." The map flew around Leo. "So you're the knight that will save Princess Karai? You're dressed like it but you don't have the gear. We need to find the sword first. It's in a deep wizard cave." Leo smiled. "Alright. Let's go." He takes the magical map and walked to a path to the cave. "This is the path to the cave." The path took him through the woods. "You know, you might need some help with saving the Princess." "You're right, Map. I'm going to need a team. I'll probably find a team on the way.

The Fearless Knight LeoWhere stories live. Discover now