Monster Shredder's Castle

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"Ok. We finally are ready. I got my sword, shield, and my team. Now is everyone else ready?" He looked at his team. "Yep." The all answered. "Alright, Map. Where are we going next?" The map glows as it pointed a way to a castle across the narrow bridge under lava. They started to head towards the bridge. Once they got to the bridge they stopped walking. "I don't know about this, dudes. It looks scary." Mikey gulped. "You'll be fine." Raph slapped the back of Mikey's head. "You first, fearless knight aka leader." Leo started to walk on the bridge. "Alright, follow me." He motioned for the others to follow him. The others followed him to the middle of the bridge. Mikey stopped and looked down. "Ahhhh! We all are going to die!" He screamed a little. Raph grabbed ahold of him and covers his mouth. "We will if you stop. Keep moving and don't look down." Mikey started to walk again along with the others. They crossed the bridge safely. "Now that wasn't so bad, right guys?" Leo turned the others. "Right. If Mikey here didn't shut up and kept moving we wouldn't die." "Hey! I was freaking out because of the lava." Raph slapped the back of Mikey's head. "Whatever. Keep moving." "Man, you two are so childish. At least we're almost there." Leo was leading the way to the castle and the others followed. "His castle is right ahead." Leo looked forward and sees henchmen coming their way. "Guys, get ready. Looks like his henchmen is coming." He gets out his sword and shield as they came towards them. "Booyakasha!" Mikey gets his bow and arrow ready. "Great! I can finally beat some bad guy butt." Raph gets out his battle axe. "They are no match for us." Donnie gets out his staff. "Now!" Leo attacks Tiger Claw. Raph attacks Fishface. Mikey attacks Rahzar. Donnie attacked Bebop. Donnie cast a spell on Bebop and levitates him in the air, sending him off to a tree. "Haha! That's taken care of." Raph took his battle axe and sliced Fishface's legs off. He picks Fishface up and throws him into a pond. "You said it, Donnie." Raph chuckled. Mikey shoots arrows at Rahzar. "Get away from me creepy mutt!" He ran around in circles. Raph ran at Rahzar with his axe and cuts a tree. The tree falls on Rahzar. "Stay away from my best friend!" Leo was still fighting Tiger Claw. He shot a shuriken at his jet pack. Tiger Claw flies away. "I will get you next time, Turtles!"

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